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Cambridge University, Maudlin College

Modlin College, University of Cambridge ( Magdalene College, University of Cambridge; Magdalene College, University of Cambridge, Magdalene College, University of Cambridge) is a college of the University of Cambridge, founded in 1428, officially became a constituent college of the University of Cambridge in 1542.

University of Northampton, UK

The University of Northampton ( University of Northampton) is a public university in the United Kingdom, founded in 1924 (Northampton Technical College), changed to the University of Northampton in 2005, the school has two campuses in Northampton Park and Avenue.

Nottingham Trent University, UK

Nottingham Trent University ( Nottingham Trent University (abbreviated NTU) is a public research university in the United Kingdom, its history can be traced back to the founding of the Nottingham Public School of Design in 1843, was granted university status in 1992, is one of the highest graduate employment rate in the United Kingdom.

Royal College of Art

The Royal College of Art (abbreviated RCA) is a British university located in London. The school was founded in 1837 and was officially granted university status in 1967. The Royal College of Art's main specialties are art and design, and has a high reputation for teaching and research in this area.

St. Edmund's College, Oxford

St Edmund Hall, Oxford is a college of the University of Oxford, founded in 1236 near High Street and Queen's Lane, and was one of the first colleges founded by the University of Oxford. It is one of the earliest colleges founded by the University of Oxford;

Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge University

Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge is a college of the University of Cambridge, established in 1966 and located on College Road, which began admitting women to its undergraduate program in 1979. Fitzwilliam College is a college of the University of Cambridge, established in 1966 and located on College Road;

Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge University

Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge is a college of the University of Cambridge, founded in 1965, located in Margaretheaf Road, and only admits female students over the age of 21. The college is located in Margaretsford and only admits women over the age of 21;

BBC Learning English

BBC Learning English (Learning English) is a British English training website, mainly providing English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and other materials to improve the user's English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

Cancer Research Institute

The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) is a public research university in the United Kingdom, founded in 1909 as part of the Marsden Royal Infirmary, and a member since 2003.

Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) is a public university in the United Kingdom, located in Manchester, founded in 1970, was granted university status in 1992, enrolled in about 35,000 students, is one of the largest number of students in the United Kingdom to attend the University of Manchester. It is one of the largest universities in the UK in terms of the number of students. It is one of the largest universities in the United Kingdom;

Birmingham City University, UK

Birmingham City University (BCU) is a modern university in the United Kingdom, founded in 1843 (Birmingham Institute of Art), was granted university status in 1992, has seven campuses, in the arts-related professions with a high level. It has seven campuses with a high level of expertise in art-related disciplines;

Green Templeton College, Oxford University

Green Templeton College, Oxford is a college of the University of Oxford, formed in 2008 by the merger of Green College, Oxford and Templeton College, Oxford, and is one of the youngest colleges of the University of Oxford, admitting only postgraduate students.

Lancaster University

The University of Lancaster is a public college university in the United Kingdom, established in 1964. The University of Lancaster is home to the prestigious Lancaster University Management School (LUMS) and is a world leader in research in environmental science, cryophysics and sociology. Lancaster University was ranked 12th in the 2014 UK Universities Overall Rankings.

Murray-Edwards College, Cambridge University

Murray Edwards College, Cambridge is a college of the University of Cambridge, founded in 1954, located in Huntingdon Road, and admits only women. It is located in Huntingdon Road and is open to women only;

Hughes College, Cambridge University

Hughes Hall (Cambridge University) is a college of the University of Cambridge, founded in 1885, and was the first college of the University of Cambridge dedicated to graduate students, enrolling only adult students.

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