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Rising School, England

Ruthin It is one of the oldest private schools in the UK and has been co-educational since 1990. It is one of the oldest private schools in the UK and has been co-educational since 1990;

York St. John's University, UK

York St. John University (YSU) is a public university in the United Kingdom. John University is a public university in the United Kingdom, located in York, North Yorkshire, its history can be traced back to The Diocesan College in York, founded in 1841, was granted university status in 2006. The University was accredited in 2006;

University of Southampton

The University of Southampton ( University of Southampton) is a public university in the United Kingdom, its history can be traced back to the founding of Hartley College in 1862, the Royal Charter in 1952, the formal acquisition of university status, is now a member. The University of Southampton is strong in the teaching and research of science and technology, especially in electronics and computer science. In 2014, the University of Southampton was ranked 20th in the overall ranking of UK universities.

Peter's College, Cambridge University

Peterhouse College, Cambridge ( Peterhouse, Cambridge; Peterhouse College) is the oldest college of the University of Cambridge, founded in 1284, located in Trempington Street, admits male and female students, and is one of the smallest colleges of Cambridge in terms of student numbers.

York University

The University of York (The The University of York is a public university in the United Kingdom, founded in 1963, located in Yorkshire, England, as a member. The University of York has a very high level of research and teaching in history, computer science and other disciplines. In the 2014 UK university rankings, the University of York ranked 11th.

University of Huddersfield, UK

The University of Huddersfield ( The University of Huddersfield is a public university in West Yorkshire, with a history dating back to the Huddersfield Science and Mechanics' Institute, founded in 1825, which gained university status in 1992. In 1992, the university was granted university status, and offers the School of Applied Science, the School of Computing and Engineering, and the School of Human and Health Sciences.

Falmouth University, UK

Falmouth The University of Falmouth is a public university in the United Kingdom, granted university status in 2012, located in Falmouth and Penryn, Cornwall, teaching mainly art and design-related professions. It is located in Falmouth and Penryn, Cornwall;

Queen's College Cambridge

Queens It was founded in 1448 and is located on Swale Street, with buildings on both sides of the Cambridge River. It has buildings on both sides of the river;

Cranfield University, UK

Cranfield University ( Cranfield University is a public research university in the United Kingdom, located in Cranfield, whose history can be traced back to the founding of Cranfield College of Aeronautics in 1946. Cranfield does not admit undergraduates, but only offers master's and doctoral degrees, and has a high level in aerospace, business management, logistics and supply chain management.

St. Mark's and St. John's University, UK

St. Mark and St. John's University ( University of St Mark & St John) is a public university in the United Kingdom, located in Plymouth, formerly known as the University College of Plymouth St Mark and St John, was granted university status in 2012, with about 5,000 students enrolled.

Central St. Martin's College of Art and Design

Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design ( Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design (CSCAD) is a leading British art and design college, formed as part of the merger of Central School of Art and Design and St. Martins School of Art in 1989. Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design has a very high level in the field of contemporary art, fashion design, industrial design and so on.

Queen's College Oxford

Oxford University's Queen's College (The The Queen's College is a college of the University of Oxford, founded in 1341, the college is mainly a neoclassical building.

University of Oxford Official Website

OX.AC.UK:Oxford University, UK The University of Oxford is a historic public university, about 900 years ago, history can be traced back to the end of the twelfth century, is one of the world's oldest universities; about 900 years ago, is the United Kingdom and the world's top institutions, the University is located in the city of Oxford, England.

The University of Oxford enjoys a worldwide reputation, it is in the British Society and higher education system has an extremely important position, with a worldwide influence, the United Kingdom and many of the world's young students to enter Oxford University for further study as the ideal. The University of Oxford is also the second oldest surviving institution of higher education in the world. The University of Oxford is rated as one of the world's leading and most prestigious institutions for a variety of factors

The University of Oxford has 16 departments: Anthropology and Geography, Biological Sciences, Clinical Medicine, English and Literature, Law, Classics, Philosophy and Ancient History, Mathematics, Medieval The Division of Oriental Studies, the Division of Physical Sciences, the Division of Physiological Sciences, the Division of Psychology, the Division of Sociology, the Division of Theology, and four academic divisions: the College of Humanities, the College of Mathematics, the College of Physical and Life Sciences, the College of Medicine, and the College of Social Sciences. The Division of Liberal Arts is generally not divided into departments, and the Division of Science is divided into more than 30 departments, some of which also have centers and institutes.

Oxford University to natural sciences and applied economic sciences, business management philosophy of the three fields of continuous progress and innovation achievements, shocked the whole world, but also to a rich variety of teaching methods well-known: reading, experimentation, tutoring and other methods of combination, respect for the laws of learning, mobilize students to learn The University of Oxford is known for its rich and diverse teaching methods: reading, experimentation, tutoring and other methods combined, respecting the laws of learning, mobilizing students' enthusiasm for learning, cultivating generations of Oxford elites who are the pride of the world. The University of Oxford is a leader in psychology, biology and law, engineering, social sciences, economics, philosophy, history, music, chemistry, biochemistry, literature, French, German, Danish, mathematics, physics, and earth sciences. From 2002 to 2010, the University of Oxford has been ranked number one in the Times' latest comprehensive university rankings, with unparalleled excellence.

have “ global undergraduate Nobel Prize ” known as the Rhodes Scholarship, each year in the world to select the 80 most outstanding senior undergraduate students to Oxford University to study for a master's or doctoral degree, these Rhodes scholars These Rhodes scholars have gone on to have a very significant impact on the world. The University of Oxford is a core member of the Russell Group of UK research universities, the Coimbra Group of leading European universities, the European Union of Research Universities and the Europaeum.

In its nearly 900-year history, Oxford has produced six British kings, 26 British prime ministers (including Gladstone, Airdrie, Lady Thatcher and Tony · Blair), a number of foreign heads of government (such as former U.S. President The first of these is the Nobel Prize, and the second is the Nobel Prize, which has been awarded to nearly 40 Nobel laureates, as well as a large number of famous scientists, such as economist Adam · Smith, philosopher Francis · Bacon, poet Shelley, writer Graham & amp;middot; Green, chemist Robert · Boyle, astronomer Edmundo · Harley, etc. Even the 2001 Nobel Laureate in Literature, Wei ·Sue ·Naipaul, also graduated from the University of Oxford English Department.

Wadham College, Oxford University

Wadham College, University of Oxford ( Wadham College is a college of the University of Oxford, founded in 1610 and located at the south end of Park Road in central Oxford. The college is known for its liberal learning style and its rich student community. The college is known for its freedom of learning and its rich student community;

University of Winchester, UK

The University of Winchester ( The University of Winchester is a public university in the United Kingdom, located in Winchester, Hampshire, whose history can be traced back to the Winchester Diocesan Training School, founded in 1840, which was granted university status in 2005. The university was accredited in 2005;

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