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Bioinformatics India Bioinformatics is a Bioinformatics company providing Bioinformatics, Brainwave's expertise in Bioinformatics including Bio/Chemical Information, Discovery Informatics and Structural Biology.

Brainwave uses self-developed data mining tools to provide high quality and timely services to our global clients. Brainwave services include: clinical research, business research and analysis, market research, IP and patent related services, publishing and data processing and management services.

BrainWave Biosolutions Limited provides Bio-IT and KPO services to the various industries across the globe. BrainWave BrainWave's life science informatics expertise covers Bio/Chem Informatics, Discovery Informatics and Structural Biology. BrainWave employs in house developed data mining tools for providing high quality and timely services to the customers worldwide.

MetaHelix Agrobio India

MetaHelix Agrobio India The company is an agricultural biotechnology company headquartered in Bangalore, India, focused on developing technologies for trait crop protection and productivity enhancement.

Hybrid seeds and traits are commercialized through its wholly owned subsidiary Dhaanya. META Helix is developing the use of its proprietary genetic architecture and transformation protocol technology to protect insect transgenic cotton and rice.

Metahelix is an agricultural biotechnology company focusing on developing traits and technologies for crop Hybrid seeds and traits are commercialized by its wholly owned subsidiary seeds business Dhaanya Seeds.

Bharat Petroleum Corporation

(BPCL) is India's second largest oil BPCL is the second largest oil company in India and the first state-owned company in India to have advanced information processing equipment and to be a leader in information technology.

BPCL, formerly known as Standard Petroleum Trust, established in 1860 and nationalized in 1976 as Bharat Petroleum Corporation, was the first state-owned company in India to have advanced information processing equipment and to be at the forefront of information technology.

currently operates a 240,000 bpd refinery in Mumbai and a 150,000 bpd refinery in the southern Indian state of Kerala.

Earlier it merged with Anglo-Dutch Shell and ROTHSCHILDS to form ASIATIC Petroleum India, and later with BURMAH Petroleum to form BURMAH-SHELL Oil Reserves and Distribution India.

GreyOrange Robotics India

Grey Orange is an Indian robotics company founded in 2011. GreyOrange has a 90% market share of the automation market in India.

Grey Orange offers two product lines to more than 40 customers. Grey Orange offers two product lines to more than 40 customers: Butler (autonomous mobile platform) and Sorter (carrier-based sequencing solution). GreyOrange has received two Series A to B rounds of funding from Blume Ventures and Tiger Fund, raising $30 million.

Indian Oil Corporation

(Iocl) is India's state-owned oil giant Iocl, India's largest oil refinery, was established in 1956, formerly known as the Indian Oil and Gas Commission, changed its name to the present in 1993.

The company's principal business activities include refining, selling and engaging in international trading activities for crude oil, motor oil, lubricating oil and other petroleum related products.

Strandls Pharmaceuticals & Biologicals, India

Strandls Pharmaceuticals India Bio The company is engaged in research and production of products related to life and health sciences. With its unparalleled scientific knowledge and technology, the company has become a leading manufacturer in the industry.

Strand Life Strand Life Sciences, which combines advanced visual modeling and prediction systems to serve biologists and chemists. The company is also one of the top 10 life science pharmaceutical companies in India.

Strand is a company that pioneers the practice of applied scientific intelligence in the life and health Leveraging its unmatched interdisciplinary scientific expertise with its decision support technologies, Strand empowers health and life Leveraging its unmatched interdisciplinary scientific expertise with its decision support technologies, Strand empowers health and life sciences scientists to transform raw data into actionable insights. Strand offers product and service solutions for biologists, chemists, and toxicologists that combine wet lab science with advanced visualization, predictive systems modeling, data

Global pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and consumer product companies as well as numerous academic institutions trust Strand to deliver solutions to complex problems in life sciences research.

Tata Group India

is a new multinational enterprise on the rise in India. The Group was founded in the era when India was seeking independence from British colonial rule.

With a century-long history, the Tata Group remains faithful to The Tata Group remains faithful to the goal it established in the 19th century to develop India into an industrial power.

The Tata Group's success is dependent on the Indian business environment. The Tata Group has acquired the world's second largest tea merchant etley, and has expanded its business to Bangladesh and other regions with historical roots in India.

Currently, the Tata Group is in talks with Bangladesh to set up energy, steel and fertilizer ventures that the country does not have.

Tata produces a wide range of products and services, including industrial supplies and services for households, individuals and companies in India and other countries: agricultural implements, agrochemicals, books, publications, cell phone products and services, pottery, coffee, cooling appliances, fertilizers, financial services, food, clothing and household products, household appliances, home appliances, and other products. Clothing and household goods, home appliances, hotels, housing, insurance, jewelry, utility vehicles, small pride cars, auto parts, tea, communications, watches and clocks, consulting services, energy, engineering equipment and services, information technology, infrastructure materials, trading, etc.

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