

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations official website

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brief introduction

FAO:Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is the FAO is the first permanent specialized agency in the United Nations system, headquartered in Italy. Its purpose is to improve people's nutrition and living standards, improve the production and distribution of agricultural products, improve the economic situation of rural and rural people, promote the development of the world economy and ensure that people are free from hunger.

The Food and Agriculture Organization was founded before the United Nations itself. After the outbreak of World War II, representatives of 45 countries, initiated by then U.S. President Roosevelt, held the Allied Food and Agriculture Conference in Warm Springs, Virginia, from May 18 to June 3, 1943.

The highest authority of the organization is the General Assembly, which meets once every two years. The permanent body is the Board of Directors, which elects the independent chairman and members of the General Assembly. By the end of 1985, the Council has set up nine offices under the program, financial, constitutional and legal affairs, commodities, fisheries, forestry, agriculture, world food security, plant genetic resources, etc.

The main functions of FAO are:

1. to collect, collate, analyze and disseminate information on world food and agriculture production and trade;

2. Provide technical assistance to member countries, mobilize international investment, and implement agricultural development projects of international development and financial institutions;

3. Provide advisory services to member countries on food and agriculture policies and programs;

4. To discuss major issues in the international food and agriculture field, formulate international standards of conduct and regulations, negotiate and develop international standards and agreements in the field of food and agriculture, and strengthen consultation and cooperation among member countries. It can be said that the Food and Agriculture Organization is an information center, a development agency, an advisory body, an international forum, or a center for the development of international standards in food and agriculture.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations official website
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