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Music sharing network

is a music sharing site where users select or share songs through These tags include genres, eras, artists, moods, albums, and the site focuses on "mood tags" where users can choose music based on their mood.

In Stereomood, users are In Stereomood, users share music with a certain mood, and behind each mood is a long string or a song. A person, a song, a mood, even if the same song in a different mood listen to the mood is completely different.

DiscoRadio|Dance Music Radio

Disco In addition to music, the website also provides you with information on movies, entertainment, news, environment, climate, events, games, etc. The target user group of the radio station is users between 18-44 years old.

Disco Radio plays Music from the 1990s to the present, from the world's hot, popular, top, quality dynamic dance music, especially electronic remixes and disco disco style; radio slogan is "The rhythm of your city!", since the rhythm of your city dance radio!

Barry Conservatory of Music

Conservatorio NiccoIú Piccinni di BARI is Italy's largest national conservatory of music, ranked in the top 50 in the world in terms of overall conservatory strength, and located in Bari, the capital of the Puglia region, offering mainly three-year undergraduate, traditional music It offers a three-year undergraduate, traditional music education (3-10 years, equivalent to a graduate degree in China) and a two-year master's degree program.

Lecce Music Academy

Conservatorio Tito Schipa di LECCE (Lecce Music Academy) is an ancient Italian music academy founded by the royal family of Bernardino Verardi in 1679, mainly offering three-year undergraduate and two-year master's degree programs, in addition In addition, it has a stable partnership with universities, orchestras, theaters and the government, which provides a reliable guarantee for graduates' employment.

Rimini Music Academy

The Istituto musicale pareggiato G. Lettimi di RIMINI is a renowned Italian music school with a long history dating back to 1800, located in the city of Rimini in the Emilia-Romagna region, offering mainly postgraduate professional courses. It offers postgraduate courses. In addition to submitting the relevant documents, applicants must also take an entrance examination organized by the Academy. The Conservatory has a long history and is located in Rimini, Emilia Romagna;

Aosta Music Academy

Istituto musicale pareggiato della Valle di AOSTA (Istituto Musicale pareggiato della Valle di AOSTA), a leading Italian conservatory founded in 1999, is a dynamic conservatory of higher education located in the city of Aosta, Valle d'Aosta. It offers both undergraduate and graduate professional programs. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs;

Verona Conservatory of Music

The Conservatorio Felice E. Dall'Abaco di VERONA is a leading Italian conservatory of music founded in 1927 in the city of Verona in the Veneto region, offering two-year undergraduate, two-year postgraduate, and traditional Italian music programs. It has joined the Socrates-Erasian exchange program within the framework of the European Union, and has signed friendly exchange agreements with dozens of universities in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany and other countries.

Avelino Conservatory of Music

The Conservatorio Domenico Cimarosa di AVELLINO (Italian National Conservatory of Music), founded in 1972, is located in the city of Avellino, Campania, and offers a three-year undergraduate, traditional music education (three to ten years). It offers a three-year undergraduate degree, a traditional music education (three to ten years, equivalent to a graduate degree in China), and a two-year master's degree program. The school is located in the city of Avellino, Campania;

Lucca Music Academy

Istituto musicale Luigi Boccherini Pareggiato ai Conservatori di Stato di LUCCA, the famous Italian National Conservatory of Music, was founded on August 14, 1842, and is located in the city of Lucca, Tuscany. It is located in the city of Lucca, Tuscany, and offers traditional Italian music education, European master's programs, and two-year postgraduate programs.

Umbria Jazz Festival

Umbria Jazz Festival is one of the world's The Umbria Jazz Festival is one of the most important jazz festivals in the world and is held every July in Perugia, Umbria, Italy. The Umbria Music Festival has a 43-year history and during the festival, the bars and restaurants, stone streets and theaters of the old central mountain town become a stage for musicians and a blessed place for the audience to enjoy music.

Umbria Jazz Festival was founded in 1973 In its history, jazz stars B.B. King, Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie and Sarah Vaughan have all performed here. As the soul of the Umbria Jazz Festival, Danilo Rea performs frequently around the world and continues to create in collaboration with jazz musicians of different styles.

Music Festival of Verdi, Parma, Italy

The Italian Parma Verdi Music Festival ( Festival Verdi Parma is a music festival established to commemorate the Italian music master Verdi, usually held in the ancient city of Parma, next to Verdi's hometown, between October 1 and 30 every year, when there will be a number of concerts and other activities to pay tribute to Verdi.

Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (October 10, 1813 - January 27, 1901) was born in Le Roncole, near Parma, and died in Milan. Together with Richard Wagner, Verdi is considered to be the most influential opera composer of the 19th century.

Neurological Sound Therapy Radio

BrainFM is a very small and crowded The radio technology combines neurological brain wave analysis, audio brain wave analysis, etc., to cure anxiety and insomnia symptoms, the platform is used in more than 180 countries by research laboratories, therapists' offices and individuals.

BrainFM was jointly developed by Adam Hewitt and other The team jointly developed, analyzed a large number of clinical symptoms and EEG, abandoned the traditional cure, the use of auditory neuroscience, personalized training and OmniPhonic audio teaching, music AI and other technologies, as for the use of the effect may wish to try to hear.

Tramo Music Academy

Istituto musicale pareggiato Gaetano Braga di TERAMO (Istituto musicale pareggiato Gaetano Braga di TERAMO) is a prestigious Italian music school located in the city of Tramo in the region of Abruzzo, offering mainly a three-year undergraduate, traditional music education (equivalent to a graduate degree in our country), and a two-year postgraduate professional degree. It offers three-year undergraduate, traditional music education (equivalent to a graduate degree in China), and two-year postgraduate professional and related programs.

Pavia Music Academy

The Istituto musicale pareggiato Franco Vittadini di PAVIA (Istituto Musicale pareggiato Franco Vittadini di PAVIA) is a prestigious Italian higher music school founded in 1867 in the city of Pavia in the Lombardy region, which joined the Socrates-Erasmus exchange program within the framework of the European Union. -Elasmus exchange program, and China CILS CELI DILS DITALS four official examination points of the Hong Yu school to carry out the matriculation cooperation project, each year to the domestic admission of a number of matriculation college, after passing the examination will be directly into the university study.

Bergamo Music Academy

The Istituto musicale pareggiato Gaetano Donizetti di BERGAMO is a renowned Italian music school founded in 1806 in the city of Bergamo in the Lombardy region, which joined the EU framework of the Su It has joined the Socrates-Erasmus exchange program within the framework of the European Union and has signed friendly bilateral cooperation agreements with some universities in other European countries.

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