

Two World Festivals of Art in Italy

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brief introduction

The Two Worlds of Spoleto, Italy ( The Festival dei Due Mondi is one of Italy's major festivals, held in June and July in Spoleto, and includes music, theater, dance and fine arts, and is called the "Two Worlds Festival" because it has a sister festival in Charleston, S.C.

The English name of the Spoleto Music Festival is The name of the festival is "Festival of the Two Worlds", where "Two Worlds" originates from the American opera composer Menotti's wish to promote mutual exchange between American and European cultures. By hosting such a festival, Menotti hoped to promote the subtle spark between the two cultures. Spoleto, a small town with relatively low prices and two indoor theaters and many other spaces available in the city, was chosen by Menotti as the venue for the festival.

Every year, famous artists from all over the world flock to the festival for theatrical performances, concerts and art exhibitions to showcase their brilliant artistic achievements to the world, turning this small town tucked away in the mountains and green forests into a bustling, cosmopolitan city. After the festival, the artists and visitors leave, and the town returns to its normal routine, waiting for the next year's festival to come.

Two World Festivals of Art in Italy
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