

Galileo Museum, Italy

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brief introduction

The Museo Galileo ( ITALY Museo Galileo) is one of Italy's leading historical museums and has a pivotal position in the same world type of museums. The museum was founded in 1927 by the University of Florence and houses various types of scientific instruments from the Renaissance to the 20th century.

The Galileo Museum was founded in 1927 by the University of Florence. Founded in 1927 by the University of Florence, located in Florence, the original name of the Museum of Science and History, after two years of renovation is scheduled to reopen on the 10th, renamed the Galileo Museum. The oldest collection in the museum is the private collection of the Medici and Lorraine families, including a variety of optical, mathematical, astronomical, nautical instruments.

You can also see the telescope used by Galileo in 1609, when Galileo was using it to discover the moon's mountains and "Galileo satellite"; also do not miss the mercury barometer invented in 1634. In addition, the museum also exhibits Galileo's finger that was stolen by avid fans when the body was transferred.

Galileo Museum, Italy
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