

Furniture open source drawings DIY ordering platform

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brief introduction

OpenDesk:Furniture Open Source Drawings The DIY ordering platform is a website that customizes home ordering through furniture drawings. OpenDesk not only allows users to download drawings to make their own, but also allows manufacturers with digital beds to assist in making parts that they will eventually assemble themselves.

OpenDesk was founded by Joni & amp;amp;amp; David Steiner brothers and Development 00, is the first project compatible with the FabHub website, which allows users to search for manufacturers in their neighborhood. You can also use ShopBot to find someone to cut parts for you and have them delivered to your home or office.

Open source design drawings are available for free download in .dwg and .dxf formats that are recognized by digital computers. You can also download open source furniture PDFs to try your hand at making furniture yourself. Currently there are many well-designed and well-shaped furniture design models of tables and stools on the site for free download. Before downloading, users can also view the designer and the model's 3D example drawings and other related information. After the user makes the furniture satisfactorily, he or she can share with other users in his or her community what happened during the process of making the furniture.

OpenDesk is about local making. What's available to you - what you can make and what you can have made - What's available to you - what you can make and what you can have made depends on where you are and how much you want to get involved in the making process.

All the These digital files are fed into a CNC machine, which produces raw sawn pieces of wood. These are finished by hand, a process that can involve oiling, sanding, polishing and small parts. amp;lt;/p>

How much of this process you want to do is entirely up to you, If you're a professional maker with, or with access to, materials and a CNC machine, you can download and make the product from scratch yourself. If you're comfortable working with raw wood and have the necessary equipment and small parts (like glue and screws of castors), you can buy OpenDesks in "Sawn" form and finish them yourself .

If you're not a carpenter but you can assemble furniture yourself, you can buy "Flatpack", This means that the wood has been fully finished (oiled, sanded, polished, etc.) and packaged up with any necessary parts and instructions. Alternatively, if you're not comfortable assembling or if it all just sounds like too much work, you can simply buy "Assembled" and Sit back and have a professional maker do everything for you.

The more work you do, the lower the cost will be, Plus, in many areas, you may be forced to buy flat-packed or arrange the making yourself if we haven't yet found makers who can deliver or assemble to your location .

Furniture open source drawings DIY ordering platform
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