

Intelligent mail auto-organization application

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brief introduction Smart Mail Auto Organizer app is an app that allows you to separate different communication sources with highly visual drag-and-drop operations to reorganize your inbox by separating personal mail, subscription mail, and push mail.

CannonBall's purpose "Not all emails deserve equal attention and focus" hits the bull's-eye of user needs. Users are now complaining that their inboxes are overloaded. Many applications, such as Mailbox, focus on categorizing mail, something heavy users of mailboxes have defined in the past, through Outlook or Gmail's mail filters, Gmail labels, or even assistants to organize them for them.

The app plucks important communications (such as family and friends or payment merchants) from "casual mail" (such as daily offer recommendations) and presents them through a graphical interface. These casual messages are automatically marked as read and grouped by sender for future reading convenience. When you are organizing your own messages, you can drag and drop one message into another area with a drag-and-drop gesture. Only when you receive "important" emails, you will get new email notifications.

If you continue to dig deeper, there are also categories according to most frequently used contacts, whether with attachments, payment merchants, travel information, financial information, etc. Local mail search is also supported.

Intelligent mail auto-organization application
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