

current location:Country > Europe > Italy > Banking >
Lombardy Bank

Lombardy Bank (UBI Banca), a leading Italian banking group with the fifth largest number of branches in Italy, was formed on April 1, 2007 by two major banking groups, Banche Popolari Italiane (BPU) and Banca Lombarda (BL) The company is ranked 853rd in the Forbes Global 2000 2014.

Milan Investment Bank

Mediobanca is a leading Italian investment bank founded in 1946, specializing in investment, retail and private business, investment management, etc. It has offices in Frankfurt, Germany; London, UK; Madrid, Spain; Moscow, Russia; York, USA; and Paris, France. The website is available in English and Italian.

United Credit Group

UniCredit is one of the largest banking groups in Europe, headquartered in Milan, Italy, with more than 40 million customers in more than 20 countries worldwide. UniCredit has a long history, dating back to 1473 when it was founded as Credito Romagnolo, and is ranked 188th in the 2013 World 500.

Union San Paolo Bank, Italy

Intesa Sanpaolo is a banking group formed by the merger of Banca Commerciale Italiana and Banca Sanpaolo Italiana in 2007, headquartered in Turin, as its third largest shareholder. In the 2013 World Top 500 ranking, Banco Sanpaolo was ranked 221st.

Yushin Bank

Unicredit SpA is an Italian bank, also known as Unicredit SpA, with Unicredit SpA as its official Chinese name. Unicredit SpA is the largest bank in Europe. Ureditnic SpA is one of the largest banks in Europe, headquartered in Milan.

Italian Public Bank

Banco Popolare Italian Cooperative Bank, established in 2007, is ranked 996th in the Global Business 2000 in 2014.

Union Credit Union Bank

Italy ( Unicreditgroup is one of the largest groups in Italy and the third largest banking group in Central and Eastern Europe. The main shareholders of the bank are various foundations.

The goal of UniCredit is to achieve a leading position among its peers in Italy and Europe, creating greater economic benefits for its customers, employees and major shareholders.

Bank of Italy
Banca d'Italia (Italian Bank), the central bank of Italy.
Bank of Rome, Italy
Banca Di Roma (Italy).
UniCredit Bank of Italy
UniCredit, an Italian bank providing financial services to individuals, families and businesses.
Bank of San Paolo, Italy
Sanpaolo IMI is one of the three largest banking and finance groups in Italy, with 3,200 branches serving corporate and private customers.
Bank of Caricci, Italy
Banca Carige (Italy).
National Labor Bank of Italy
The Banco Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) is one of Italy's leading financial groups, established in 1913 by royal decree, initially as a credit cooperative, and in 1929 it was approved as an institution with limited liability of a credit nature, renamed the Banco Nazionale del Lavoro, and fully privatized in 1998.
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