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Free Educational Video Seminar Resource Network

VideoLectures: Free Educational Video Lectures Resource Network is a free, open-access knowledge base of educational video lectures, providing video lecture resources including MIT OpenCourseWare, Open Yale Courses - Yale University, and more.

People will search for videos for a variety of purposes For example, an average Internet user may search for a video for a variety of purposes. For example, an average Internet user might search for a funny video. An intelligence analyst will search for background information and therefore may not be interested in the purpose for which the video was shot. A documentarian or news agency will search for news footage of a specific time and place. Trying to tag the video so that these users can find it is obviously very difficult.

A lot of video resources are not searchable and can only be obtained by continuously accumulating excellent network resources, videolectures contains a lot of courses and lectures on video, video information is superb and contains various topics, without leaving home You can listen to various latest lectures without leaving home.

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The latest videos about Italy, the world, sports, soccer, entertainment, economy.
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