current location:Country > Europe > Italy > TV >
- Italian National Television (RAI)
- RAI has three main channels: RAI 1, RAI 2 and RAI 3. The impact in Italy is definitely not lower than that of CCTV in China.
- Italian National Television 1
- Rai Uno- Italian national TV station 1.
- Mediaset
- The most important private TV network in Italy is Mediaset, which also has three main channels: Channel 5, Italia 1 and Retequattro.
- Italian National Television 3
- Rai Tre- Italian national TV station 1.
- Rai international
- Canale 5
- Italian National Television 2
- Rai Due- Italian National Television Channel 2.
- Le radio
- Giornale RadioRai
- Italia Network
- RAI educational
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