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National Library of Ukraine

Nbuv:The National Library of Ukraine is The National Library of Ukraine is a collection of the cultural heritage of Ukraine, founded in April 1918. The administrative leadership of the Library is under the responsibility of the Chief Librarian; it has a Center for Book Computing, a Center for Restoration of Books and Antiquities, a Center for Publishing, a Library Institute of the Cultural and Educational Center, an Institute for Research and Analysis of Books, an Institute for Manuscripts, an Institute for Archives, and an Institute for Biography.

The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (The The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (VNLU), due to the economic difficulties in Ukraine in recent years, the state funding cannot fully meet the development needs of the national library. The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine expressed its willingness to develop exchange and cooperation with the National Library of China, especially in the areas of economics, history, mathematics, national conditions and other library materials. The library is a member of IFLA.

Number of collections: The National Library of Ukraine has 1.5 million volumes of books; 2,700 titles of current publications; 444,643 pages of manuscripts; 524 volumes of antique books; 44 titles of degrees; 203,290 pages of musical scores; 40,878 maps; 15,764 microfilms; 430 audio-visual materials; and 1,764 audio recordings. 430 pieces; 1,832 recordings; 200 CD-ROMs; 474,000 patents; 800,000 volumes of periodicals.

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