

Development of a collaborative translation platform for projects

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brief introduction

"Crowdin" is an online Crowdin is an online project translation collaboration platform that aims to make websites, apps, games and other software available worldwide through translation. The platform has over one million people and offers different pricing plans, ranging from individual plans to organizational plans.

1. Open participation: Anyone can register an account, join the team, and translate contributions. Everyone's translation records will be recorded and will not be covered up or discarded. Contributors review each other and choose the best translation. Approved translations are included in the KDE, or the latest translation.

2. Transparent operation: Any operation is recorded in the activity log, and any improper translation or deliberate damage can be easily detected and withdrawn. At the same time, the behavior of the administrator will also be monitored.

3. Translation storage: Not only the translation storage of KDE projects, but also the translation storage of thousands of open source projects on Crowdin can be used as reference. It makes the translation more convenient.

4. Machine translation: Although the quality of machine translation varies, it is also a useful reference.

5、Branch synchronization: KDE has two main branches, trunk and stable, and we used to have to translate two branches at the same time, which was very tedious to set up with Lokalize. Crowdin can automatically synchronize the translation of the corresponding files on the two branches, so there is no need to repeat the translation or make complicated settings.

6. Easy to operate: No need to use tools like Subversion and Lokalize, no need to manually drop in the mailing list every time.

Crowdin is a translation management tool for developers and project owners (such as web, application, software, video game or any other type of project). The platform allows multilingual translation of projects. To do this, simply create a project, upload the files to be translated and select the target language. All of this is done through an intuitive interface and simple navigation. Although there are no restrictions on the number of languages and participants in all projects, the maximum number of allowed projects varies.

Development of a collaborative translation platform for projects
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