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Social photography work sharing community
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PhotoHab: social photography work sharing community is a site that allows users to create free photography pictures to display, similar to photo sharing sites, users can upload their home works, photography enthusiasts can subscribe to their favorite Photography enthusiasts can subscribe to their favorite photographers, get the latest work of photographers at any time, very suitable for business photographers to promote themselves.

Whether from a professional point of view or for amateurs, it is a good book to be read and borrowed, as it can enlighten, inspire and resonate with the reader. It is the integration of science and art. Nietzsche once said: The fundamental home of life is only two roads, one is to escape to the land of knowledge, so that the world and you is a most suitable laboratory; one is to escape to the land of art, both the strange world as an aesthetic phenomenon.

Do photography, the first thing to know online popular saying: photography poor three generations, SLR destroy a lifetime. That is to say, photography is not a high-end technology, everyone will use the camera, with simple technology has not come to earn any money. So, photographers are not all poor ding dong, not, there are many rich photographers, but most of the rich photographers are taking the high-end route. Generally rich photographers are mainly distributed in the advertising, entertainment, photo agencies and other industries, they have a high degree of technical and artistic insight, can turn corruption into magic, to provide users with the best possible pictures. As an amateur photographer to make money, you can not have a professional camera and auxiliary high equipment, can only rely on a camera to fight the world.

Photohab - lets you create a free social portfolio. upload and share your photos with friends. similar to Instagram, you You can view other profiles, "like" other photos, send You can view other profiles, "like" other photos, send messages to other users, and compile a profile about yourself, telling others about you. Photohab is ideal for both professional and amateur photographers.

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