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Chinese Embassy in Syria

The website is the official website of the Chinese Embassy in Syria ( The website is the official website of the Embassy of China in the Syrian Arab Republic (Embassy of China in the Syrian Arab Republic), mainly providing the introduction of the Embassy, the latest news, information on the Ambassador, consular affairs, China-Syria relations, country profile, press releases, special topics, etc. The website is available in Chinese and English. The website is available in Chinese and English.

Syrian Embassy in China

The website is the official website of the Syrian Embassy in China ( The Syrian Embassy in China is the official website of the Syrian Embassy in China, providing information on the Embassy, the latest news, information on the Ambassador, introduction to Syria, political system, economy, tourism, Syrian press, etc. The website is available in Chinese, Arabic and English.

The Arab Parliament (Arab Parliament)

The Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union (Arab Parliament) was established on June 21, 1974, with its headquarters in Damascus, the capital of Syria, and its main responsibilities are: to strengthen parliamentary exchanges in the Arab region; to coordinate the activities of these parliaments at the international level and in other areas; to strengthen the interaction of Arab parliaments with other countries; to unify the legislation of the Arab countries; to study the common problems of the Arab region and to promote their national causes.

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