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Creative LOGO exchange and sharing community

LogoSauce:Creative LOGO exchange and sharing community is a website focused on Logo design submission and sharing, it has more than 4000 designers. Users can get a rich variety of creative logo design works, but also with designers around the world to communicate and interact.

Logosauce is from New Zealand, invented by design and brand geek David Vaassen (probably assisted by Matthew Ravenhall and others) in 2006.

Initially the plan was to provide a simple brand directory (like a yellow pages for brands) with contact info for the Alas, unfortunately most brand owners are useless when it comes to brand stuff and have little idea where to find artwork, let alone what a Alas, unfortunately most brand owners are useless when it comes to brand stuff and have little idea where to find artwork, let alone what a vector file is!

So it was obvious that we had to get the designers themselves involved.

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So Logosauce evolved into a place for logo designers to not only point people to the source artwork, but to showcase their designs, admire others, comment and discuss logo design and hopefully get some inspiration.

We hope that designers will come (in their millions !)

We hope that designers will come (in their millions !) and showcase their beautiful designs, whether it's a commercial logo or just a concept that has never seen the light of day.

Later we added Design Competitions as a way for designers to practice their craft while making a little pocket money and a way for prospective clients to crowd source a new logo design.

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