

New Zealand Fonterra Dairy Group

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brief introduction

FonTerra:New Zealand Fonterra Dairy Group is one of the largest local companies in New Zealand, the largest company in the country and the 6th largest dairy producer in the world; the world's largest exporter of dairy products, accounting for 1/3 of global dairy trade.

FonterraCo-operativeGroup was established in October 2001, or "Fonterra" for short. Its nature was originally a cooperative, headquartered in Auckland, New Zealand. The Fonterra Group was formed by the merger of the two largest dairy companies in New Zealand at the time and the New Zealand Dairy Board.

Fonterra uses a co-operative model - jointly owned by approximately 10,500 New Zealand dairy farmers who supply Fonterra with milk. Fonterra is also the largest business in New Zealand, accounting for 25% of New Zealand's total exports and exporting around 85% of New Zealand milk. It has the world's largest dairy processing plant, Whareroa, in Taranaki, employing 16,000 people worldwide and processing 20 billion liters of milk a year and selling its products to over 100 countries.

New Zealand Fonterra Dairy Group
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