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New Zealand Tourism Ratings

" Rankers" is a local travel rating website, co-founded by Cymen and Nick, which aims to help users visiting New Zealand to find the best places to visit, and to learn about real travel information through readers' reviews of tourist attractions.

The site is used mostly by foreigners, all tourists The site's RV campgrounds, outdoor sports are divided into very fine sea, land and air, everyone is most interested in glacier tours, high altitude parachuting (Sky Diving) feedback are very real, worth borrowing!

Why Rankers' reviews are trustworthy?

All of the reviews on Rankers are from staff and travellers who have consulted with them about their experience of visiting New Zealand, over 50% of the reviews on the website are collected in this way and they use They use survey forms to obtain information for posting on the website, and they also collect online reviews and scrutinize them to ensure that they are fair and open.

Auckland Chinese Travel Network

Auckland (AuckLanDnz) AuckLanDnz is the official website of New Zealand city Auckland in Chinese language to attract more Chinese tourists. It mainly introduces Auckland's tourist attractions and features.

Auckland Chinese Tourism website features all The content and pictures of important tourist attractions are consistent with the English version of the official Auckland tourism website. The Tourist Information Center has Chinese-speaking staff who specialize in handling inquiries and reservations from Chinese tourists through the website. The second phase of the site's construction will integrate Chinese businesses and partner organizations, build social media channels and online activities to increase the number of visitors to the site.

LICHT|Self-service travel booking platform

"LIC Travel" is a company that specializes in providing personalized itinerary customization services for outbound free travelers. It is a platform that provides personalized itinerary customization services for the outbound travel crowd, making self-guided travel strategy customization faster and easier, mainly providing the best itinerary, accommodation, activities and transportation options, allowing you to save yourself the hassle of planning and explore at your own pace.

The team members of Likely Travel come from We have different cultures, backgrounds and beliefs, but we all share a passion for travel, exploration and perseverance.

We believe that the best travel is when you can feel the excitement and experience the extraordinary meaning. However, in order to have a perfect trip, the tedious preparation will make you exhausted, even exhausting. All kinds of itinerary planning, inquiries, and reservations consume your time and energy. Why not make it easier and faster to take a trip that you just want to take?

With LIC, we create the best itinerary for you based on your preferences and needs. You don't have to worry about choosing a route anymore. We've already arranged everything for you. Our goal is to help you plan your trip in minutes. We're here to help you plan your trip in minutes.

New Zealand Driving Safety Guide

Driving in New Zealand can be very different from driving at home We drove on the left hand side of this road, some of our roads were narrow, windy, with loose gravel... And it is unusual to see sheep or cows on the roads in rural areas. You need to give yourself enough time to reach your destination and understand the rules and signs of New Zealand roads.

Even if you are driving in another country, it is important to understand our rules for driving in New Zealand before you take your wheels off here. We've put together a list of key things to consider when planning your trip and as you travel around the country. We've also suggested some great New Zealand driving routes to help you with your planning.

New Zealand Tourism Board Chinese Website

Tourism New Zealand (Newzea Land is the official website of Tourism New Zealand, which aims to provide information about New Zealand to those who are considering or planning to travel. It introduces visitors to New Zealand's rich and varied tourism offerings, and visitors can use all the information on the website to help you plan your trip to New Zealand.

New Zealand is an ideal travel mecca, with It is also the youngest country on earth, and its multicultural society embodies maturity and tolerance. The best thing about visiting New Zealand is that it offers a wide range of natural, cultural and artistic attractions all within easy reach. The direct flight from China to New Zealand takes about 10 to 13 hours.

Through Tourism New Zealand's website, travellers will be able to learn about New Zealand's beautiful natural scenery and a wide range of tourist activities, providing a reference for creating an unforgettable and fantastic trip. Tourism New Zealand encourages travelers, previous visitors and local New Zealanders to contribute to the website to help travelers planning their trip to New Zealand to better plan their trip.

This website has a list of New Zealand tour operators in New Zealand and New Zealand travel promotion agencies overseas. Each agency has its own page detailing the attractions and travel experiences they offer. Once you have decided on an activity plan and tour itinerary, you can contact each operator directly and book online through them.

Tourism New Zealand is the agency responsible for promoting New Zealand as a tourist destination to the world. Through our 100% Pure New Zealand marketing campaign, we are committed to delivering the New Zealand story to every traveler, travel industry and media partner, and we actively work with local New Zealand tourism operators to ensure that the promotion delivers the beauty and experience promised.

New Zealand Travel Camping Guide

Freedom Camping is It teaches you where to camp, how to camp and how to use the campsite. If you have the chance to go camping in New Zealand by car, why not pay attention to this website, you can have a comprehensive understanding about camping in New Zealand.

New Zealand is a beautiful country. Help keep our towns, parks, beaches and native bush free from pollution and waste. Please respect our unique flora and fauna. Take an active part in protecting the environment. It's everyone's responsibility.

Many places in New Zealand allow free camping, but the rules vary from community to community. Signs will usually indicate that you are not allowed to camp. To ensure local camping guidelines, we recommend you ask at the information center at our site, in front of a Ministry of Conservation visitor center or holiday park, before you stop. Or download a New Zealand camping app.

In the spirit of Kaitiakitanga (guardianship), we ask that you familiarize yourselves with the information in this section and plan a holiday that leaves no stone unturned in leaving your journey for the collective benefit of present and future generations. Camping "responsibly" is not about using the side of the road or bush as a toilet; please use the boat or public facilities.

Auckland Botanical Theme Park

Auckland Botanic Gardens (Auckland Botanic Gardens is a park with over tens of thousands of plants in Auckland, New Zealand. Established in 1974, it is a "gardener's paradise" with all the native plants in New Zealand.

Auckland Botanical Gardens is a beautiful park located in the plains of southern Auckland. Nearly 10,000 species of plants from all over the world are planted in the themed areas. From the magnificent magnolias in spring to the golden autumn leaves in autumn, the scenery in the garden varies with the change of seasons.

The Auckland Botanical Garden is rich in plant species. Even if you are not a professional horticulturist, you can still appreciate the beauty of Auckland Botanical Garden and understand the characteristics of different plants. Children can make pottery in the children's pottery garden and enjoy a 30-minute ride on the Wiri Rambler children's train.

The plants look even more exotic as you enter the garden and walk across the low-lying lakes. Different species of palm trees from all over the world are interspersed with many native trees, and two streams meander through the park. In the garden full of roses, camellias and magnolias, color is the main theme. The spring-flowering valley extends into the African Garden, which contains many plants from southern Africa - considered the world's richest floral kingdom. Past the upper river and the oddly shaped rock park, edible plants reappear and this fragrant and expertly explained herb park will once again excite you. The signs indicate that the herbs are used as medicine, dyes, insect repellents, cosmetics and perfumes. The visitor center is nearby, and you can also visit the library to ask any questions you may have.

Tourism New Zealand Official Website
The official website of Tourism New Zealand, designed to provide information about New Zealand for those considering or planning to travel.
TripAdvisor New Zealand
TripAdvisor is the world's leading travel website, providing reviews and recommendations from travelers around the world, comprehensive coverage of hotels, attractions, restaurants, airlines, as well as travel planning and hotel, attraction and restaurant booking features. tripAdvisor and its websites have subsites in 49 markets around the world, with an average of 415 million unique visits per month.
Haka Tours
Haka Tours specializes in small group guided tours in New Zealand and incorporates equal measures of culture and adventure into all of its tours.
Aunt Betty New Zealand
Aunt Betty has grown from a small team to one of the largest online travel agencies in Australia and New Zealand. We offer great rates on airfares, hotels, car rentals, insurance and more.
STA Travel New Zealand
STA Travel New Zealand has over 30 years of experience in cheap travel worldwide. Cheap flights, worldwide travel, working holidays and more. exclusive offers for students under 31 years old travelling. New Zealand
As one of the world's leading online travel agencies, is here to help you plan the perfect trip. Whether you're on vacation, traveling for business or looking to set up a corporate travel account, is here to help you travel the world with cheap airfare, discount hotels and train tickets.
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