

Khoo Teck Puat Public Hospital, Singapore

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brief introduction

Ktph:Khoo Teck Puat Public Hospital, Singapore Khoo Teck Puat is a public general hospital in Singapore, opened in 2010 and named after the late Singaporean tycoon Khoo Teck Puat, it offers a wide range of medical and surgical services to patients and has 550 beds.

Khoo Teck Puat Hospital has a beautiful environment, with a three-dimensional greenery It has a lifelong health center, a weight control clinic, and a number of specialty clinics in different disciplines. The hospital not only treats patients, but also focuses on helping the public stay healthy through public education and health screening.

Khoo Teck Puat Hospital is an acute care hospital with personalized services for patients, a lifelong health center, a weight control clinic, and a number of specialty clinics in various disciplines. Khoo Teck Puat Hospital's mission is to provide comprehensive and convenient services to patients; this will help patients heal faster and better, as long as their needs are taken care of.

Khoo Teck Puat Public Hospital, Singapore
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