

Online Website Backup Service Platform

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brief introduction

In the era of cloud computing, network interruptions and other phenomena It is not uncommon for websites to close unexpectedly, sometimes inexplicably. Most of the outages are simple inconveniences, while some are prolonged disruptions. In 2012, famous long outages occurred during Hurricane Sandy and Google, GoDaddy, and 4 of the worst of the lot was Amazon Web Services, where three separate outages shut down millions of users of popular shows (such as Nexflix and Pinterest).

Completely preventing interruptions is not possible if your If your website is primarily used to lead the generation, it may not be a disaster if its stock price drops for a few hours or even a day. However, if you trade commercially from your site, an hour or two of downtime can cost thousands of dollars in lost revenue or customers, not including the time and money spent to restore the site.

DropMySite:Online website backup service platform is a platform that provides remote backup services, supporting site-wide backups, database backups and email backups for multiple websites, providing a layer of protection for websites against hackers, server failures and other causes of website crashes and data loss.

Dropmysite Features:

1.Backup websites in the cloud

Just enter your FTP or SFTP settings and we will automatically back up your site every day. All folders and subfolders will be backed up automatically. Backup multiple website order accounts.

2. Database backup in the cloud

Just provide your database hostname, username and password, and we will automatically backup your database every day. You can backup multiple MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. We will support other databases soon.

3. One-click download

We just click the download function, you can download any version of the backup of all files and recreate your site within minutes. All the files are compressed and zipped into one file that you can easily upload to the server.

4. Easy and secure backups

Dropmysite allows users to back up their websites using secure FTP. Dropmysite also supports secure connection to your database. All backup data is encrypted and stored securely, using the 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

5. Easily migrate your database

All backups are taken in a friendly dump file format. Download any backup version and just migrate data to the new database using dump files in minutes. Simple and easy to migrate database.

6. Schedule backups

Schedule backups on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Choose the time of day when your use is low-scheduled backups to ensure that your server's performance is not affected.

Dropmysite is free to sign up and you get 2G free backup space, upgrade up to 4G, recommend a new user to sign up successfully and both parties will get 256MB backup space. You can also automatically schedule backup data, its slogan is "in our website cloud service backup, absolutely no longer lose your data."

Online Website Backup Service Platform
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