

Greek Foley Foley Brand

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brief introduction

Folli Follie is a fashion brand that designs and manufactures jewelry in Athens, Greece. Founded in 1982, the Folli Follie brand has opened more than 390 stores in 25 countries around the world, with Folli Follie stores in many of the world's most prestigious fashion centers.

In 1986 Dimitris Mr. Koutsolioutsos and his wife, Ketty Koutsolioutsos, founded the Frivoli brand in Greece. The first Flavri store in downtown Athens marked the birth of the Flavri brand. In the beginning, Frivoli was dedicated to designing and manufacturing jewelry with creative style, fashionable design, high quality materials and reasonable prices as its main selling points. With the addition of the watch collection in 1994 and the accessories collection in 1998, Fuli Fuli has gradually become a completely fashionable brand that spans three sectors: jewelry, watches and accessories.

The design of Flivri products is not only limited to the products themselves, but also extends to the entire visual and corporate image of Flivri. Orange and white are the main colors of Frivoli, which can be seen everywhere on the big logo of each store, as well as on the walls, counters, ceilings and sofas. In addition to the store design, window displays and product presentation, the marketing materials and communication strategy also contain a unified design concept. Everywhere in the world, the Fleur de Lis brand image is perfectly unified, creating a world of Fleur de Lis.

Greek Foley Foley Brand
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