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Online Space Map Simulation Platform

Space Map (Deep space Map) is a Google Earth-based browser plug-in that allows users to browse the universe through the browser constellations, galaxies and nebulae, very suitable for astronomy enthusiasts to use, before installing the plug-in you need to install Google Earth plug-in in can be used properly.

This is the same as using Google Earth to browse the sky here Simply click and drag and use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the sky. Google Earth plugin is able to display various objects in the universe such as various deep sky celestial clusters, stars, constellations, planets, galaxies, nebulae, galaxies, black holes and neutron stars. If you want to explore the universe, try this extension tool.

Based on AI transit detection system

"iBorderCtrl" is An EU-funded border crossing security detection system that aims to help travellers cross the border faster through artificial intelligence, helping to improve the accuracy and efficiency of border checks. The EU currently intends to use it at border checkpoints in Hungary, Latvia and Greece.

The AI polygraph used online is also "the iBorderCtrl" system in one of the functions, it will require users to fill out online applications, upload documents such as passports, and finally by the virtual border guards to ask questions. The polygraph system can analyze 38 micro gestures, and when a transit visitor faces the camera and answers the questions posed by the AI polygraph, the polygraph records the traveler's face and movements, scoring each response.

If the iBorderCtrl polygraph system determines that the traveler is telling the truth, the traveler will receive a QR code indicating that he or she can cross the border; if the system suspects that the subject is lying, it will collect biometric information such as fingerprints, palm vein distribution, and noodle match and pass it to human staff If the system suspects that the subject is lying, it will collect the biometric information such as fingerprints, palm vein distribution and noodle match to the human staff to check and evaluate in a manual way.

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