

Elcano's Visual Infographic Development Platform

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brief introduction

ElkanoData:Elkano The Visual Infographic Development Platform is a visual data design agency in Barcelona that specializes in the analysis and development of data visualization, motion graphics, and infographics to help businesses, organizations, and public agencies produce socially relevant information data analysis and design.

Visualization of information graphics is a popular design expression in recent years. Its biggest feature is to express some cold data and information in a rich design language, so that the information can be clearly conveyed and at the same time give people a pleasant feeling. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, of course, infographics are not a new product, it has always existed, even before the Internet era, many magazines and newspapers have had a similar design when conveying data and information.

Today, infographics have become a powerful tool for effective communication of information, especially in foreign countries, where many companies, small, medium and large, have started to use infographics for branding, annual report design, communication to specific groups of customers and education, and most of them are disseminated through the Internet. Most of them are disseminated through the Internet, so that their resources and the people they are oriented to are very wide. It can be said that how designers can come up with a good infographic has gradually become a "must master" content. And in the form of performance, can be static, can also be used like FLASH to exchange display, or even video display.

Infographics in the expression is required through the full design language to express, break the conventional expression of some can make the infographic easier to grab the reader's eyes, the whole chart is attractive, but here, need to pay attention to one thing is, must avoid "over-design "Don't forget that your ultimate goal is to communicate data and information, and the ideal state is of course a perfect balance of design and data.

This Spanish design agency is a very good team, they have produced projects such as STEM digital education, International Day for the Blind, and especially this international map of pollution sources, which shows the pollution situation in the country from 1960 to 2008, and many other good visualization Enjoy the data charts for yourself.

Elcano's Visual Infographic Development Platform
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