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Website Visualization Design Resource Network

Starterkit:Website Visual Design Resource Network is a website dedicated to the sharing of design tools and design templates for Web developers, collecting excellent design tools and template resources from the Internet, allowing designers to quickly find the right tools and reference cases for their own use.

The Starter Kit website The Starter Kit website offers a rich collection of categories such as color, design, e-commerce, fonts, frames, icons, user interface, etc. You can filter by category or search for the resources you want by keywords.

Free Geomanist English fonts download site

Free Geomanist English Word All fonts are sold on a free-payment basis, and can be downloaded directly for local use only.

Geomanist offers free fonts Geomanist provides free fonts including Regular style, OTF format (Open Type) and Webfont (ttf, eof, woff), which are divided into 9 styles according to their thickness. You must click on the FaceBook like or Twitter share before you can enter the download interface and download.

Free video footage download site

Cute Stock Video was created by Michal and Chris, dedicated to sharing free video footage, sound effects, and DV videos they shot themselves, the two The two people work together to create a lot of good audio and video material, users who need audio and video resources may wish to collect.

Depositphotos Spain
Featuring millions of excellent quality stock photos, royalty-free images, illustrations and vector art at affordable prices.
Flaticon is the world's largest free icon search engine.
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