

United Nations public databases

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brief introduction

" UNdata is a free data search and download platform provided by the United Nations that allows anyone to search the UN database for current statistics on world population, trade, agriculture, employment, environment, industry, education, tourism, and more.

The first source of data for the average person The first source of data for the average person is often Google or Wikipedia, but educational research institutions and news organizations are often not recommended to use these data sources, especially with the recent inaccuracies found in Wikipedia. Now students, journalists, and anyone else can directly access these statistics published by the United Nations.

UNDATA has a total of 60 million data items. It covers everything from agriculture, crime, education, employment, energy, and more. For example, to see the data for a particular country, you can enter the name of the country. The search results page contains comprehensive information about the country, such as population, GDP, average life expectancy, etc. You can also click on "view full profile" to see detailed statistics about the country. You can also click on "view full profile" to see detailed statistics about the country.

In addition to searching for data related to countries and regions, you can also search for global statistics, such as greenhouse gas emissions, or global statistics on solar energy products. More importantly, it provides a public platform for everyone to access valuable data.

United Nations public databases
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