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University of the Balearic Islands

The University of the Balearic Islands (Universitat de les Illes Balears) is a well-known Spanish institution and the only university in the Balearic Autonomous Region, founded in 1978, offering degree programs in specialties, technical specialties, bachelor's degrees, advanced engineers, research laboratories, doctorates, etc.

Navarre Public University

The Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA; Universidad Pública de Navarra) is a leading public university in Spain, founded in 1987, with three departments: Economics and Business Sciences, Human and Social Sciences, and Judicial Sciences, as well as the Higher Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, the Higher Institute of Industrial and Telecommunications Engineering and the Higher Institute of Health Sciences. The University has three faculties: the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, and the Faculty of Judicial Sciences, as well as three faculties: the Higher Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, the Higher Institute of Industrial and Telecommunications Engineering and Technology, and the Faculty of Health Studies.

San Diego Union University

Founded in the 15th century, the University of Santiago is the cradle of higher education in the province of Galicia, occupying one million square meters and 82 buildings. It offers 63 national diplomas and many school diplomas and special courses. The university has 30,000-35,000 students, two-thirds of whom are women, 2,200 teachers, 355 of whom are professors, with an average age of 45 years, and 300 research groups, some of which are internationally renowned. The University has signed 260 cooperation and exchange agreements with other universities and institutions around the world. Culture, education, commitment, science, technology, motivation, efficiency, scholarship, international and prestige are the characteristics of the University of Santiago.


DELE (Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language Examination) is the website of the Spanish Language Diploma Examination, mainly providing registration, reference qualifications, payment, results inquiry, etc. DELE is an examination organized by the Instituto Cervantes. It is officially recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Sports, and is internationally recognized, similar to the TOEFL and IELTS exams. It is similar to the TOEFL and IELTS exams. All holders of a Spanish language certificate are recognized as having a level of Spanish language proficiency.

La Rioja University

Universidad de la Rioja (University of La Rioja) is a prestigious public center of higher education in Spain, which has been teaching in various institutions since 1992, with the main faculties being Information Engineering, Information Management Technology, Chemistry and Agriculture, Mathematics and Computing, Industrial, Social and Law, Arts and Humanities, Teacher Training, and Nursing.

Ministry of Education and Culture, Spain

This website is the official website of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture (Ministerio de Educación, Culturay Deporte), providing information on the department, education news, education services, institutions, educational activities, etc. The language of the website is Spanish. Spain has 10 years of compulsory education (6 years of elementary school and 4 years of secondary school), and all schools, public or private, are free of charge.

Hahn University

Universidad de Jaén is a prestigious public university in Spain, formerly known as Pontifical University, founded in the 16th century and officially established in 1993 in Jaén, Andalusia. The main departments include the Department of Experimental Sciences, the Department of Social and Judicial Sciences, the Department of Humanities and Education, the Department of Health Sciences, the Department of Social Work, and the Department of Advanced Technology, offering professional programs at the specialist, undergraduate, master and doctoral levels (including dual degrees).

University of Cordoba, Spain

Universidad de Córdoba (Spanish public university), founded in 1972, is located in the southern city of Cordoba, with eight departments, including veterinary medicine, science, philosophy and literature, law and business economics, education and science, as well as advanced agricultural and mountain engineering technology The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, the Faculty of Law and Business Economics, the Faculty of Education, and the Faculty of Advanced Agricultural and Mountain Engineering Technology, the Faculty of Advanced Polytechnics, the Belmez Polytechnic Institute, the Sacred Heart Teachers' College, and the Faculty of Nursing are among the five faculties.

Vigo University

Universidade de Vigo (University of Vigo) is a dynamic public university in Spain, founded in 1990, offering professional programs at the specialist, undergraduate, master and doctoral levels, as well as diploma programs at the university level, with 14 departments such as Fine Arts, Science and Biology, as well as the Higher School of Information Engineering, the Higher School of Mineral Engineering, and the Higher School of Engineering. There are 14 departments including the Faculty of Fine Arts, the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Biology, and 13 faculties including the Faculty of Advanced Information Engineering and the Faculty of Advanced Mineral Engineering Technology.

University of La Coruña

The Universidade da Coruña (University of La Coruña), a leading Spanish university, was founded in 1990 and is located in the city of Coruña, the capital of the province of Coruña in the northwestern Galician region, in a very beautiful environment. The school focuses on unifying school education with social functions and constantly innovates its educational model. The main specialties include health sciences in the fields of clinics, physiotherapy, podiatry, occupational therapy, speech correction sciences in the fields of biology, chemistry humanities and arts.

National University of Distance Education, Spain

UNED; UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE EDUCACIÓN A DISTANCIA (Spanish National University of Distance Education) is a prestigious public university in Spain, founded in 1972, dedicated to distance learning through audio-visual equipment and the Internet, with departments of Economics and Business, Philosophy, Science and Technology. It has 9 departments, including Economics and Business, Philosophy and Science, and 2 faculties, the Higher Institute of Information Engineering and the Higher Institute of Industrial Engineering and Technology.

Polytechnic University of Cartagena

Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPC) is a leading public university in Spain, founded in 1998, with two campuses and two main faculties: the Faculty of Business Sciences, the Higher Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, the Higher Institute of Industrial Engineering and Technology, the Higher Institute of Aerospace and Marine Engineering and the Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology. The main faculties are the Faculty of Business Sciences, the Higher School of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, the Higher School of Industrial Engineering and Technology, the Higher School of Maritime and Marine Engineering and Technology, the Higher School of Telecommunications Engineering and Technology, the School of Civil Engineering and Technology, the School of Tourism (private affiliation), the School of Architecture and Construction, etc.

Almeria University

Universidad de Almería is a well-known Spanish public university, founded in 1993, located in the autonomous region of Andalusia, accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education. It has six departments: Education, Economics and Business, Experimental Science, Law, Humanities and Psychology, two faculties: Higher Institute of Technology and Health Sciences, and a subsidiary center: the Faculty of Labor Relations.

University of Cantabria

Universidad de Cantabria is a modern Spanish public university, founded in 1975, located in the autonomous region of Cantabria, offering professional programs at the specialist, undergraduate, master and doctoral levels, in addition to a range of language courses and summer training programs. The main departments are Business Administration, Anatomy and Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, History, etc.

Burgos University

Universidad De Burgos is a prestigious Spanish public university, officially established in 1994, with two campuses, five faculties and three independent schools, offering doctoral and master's degrees, special qualifications, and postgraduate programs, with specialization in economics and science.

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