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Turkey KorayParlak fashion photographer official website

KorayParlak, Turkey Fashion photographer is a photographer born in Istanbul. After graduating from university, he joined and had many opportunities to work with some very talented photographers. His photography work has been published in many magazines.

KorayParlak began studying engineering at the University of specializing in engineering, which involved photography, and his photographs were published in many magazines such as Elle, Elele, GQ, Instye, L'officiel, Marie Claire, Super, Vogue ...... Koray Parlak can be considered a famous photographer in the industry, and the number of beautiful models he has photographed can be described as countless. And this artist from Turkey usually only takes photos for famous magazines such as GQ, Vogue and Elle, so his status is evident.

Koray Parlak's photoshoot. As a different style, the models have a sad face, some sexy and spontaneous, some full of intellectual beauty, some mature and stable ... Well, without further ado, the next on your own to see it, see how much you can see the world in the eyes of Koray Parlak.

Akif Hakan Celebi Photography Website

Akif Hakan Celebi Akif Hakan Celebi, a Turkish photographer born in Istanbul, now lives in Miami, U.S.A. His works are avant-garde and bold in style, and he incorporates fashionable color elements, personalized but not chaotic, giving people strong color enjoyment.

Akif Hakan Celebi is Akif Hakan Celebi is a fashion photographer with a lustful heart. He specializes in using color elements to express fashion, and his work has an obvious post-processing effect. He is accustomed to using Photoshop to clean and blend colors, and Photoshop is like his digital darkroom.

For Akif Hakan Celebi's works, many websites have reproduced his photography works, if you want to know his latest works you can visit his official website from here to enjoy his latest photography works.

In addition, if you are interested in documentary photography, you can visit, strong visual conflict allows you to truly feel the world.

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