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Chinese Consulate General in Jeddah

The website is the official website of the Consulate-General of China in Jeddah (CONSULATE-GENERAL OF CHINA IN JEDDAH), which provides an overview of the Consulate, the latest news, the latest situation between China and Saudi Arabia, information on the Consulate, an overview of China, consular services, Sino-Saudi relations, current affairs news, etc. The website is available in Chinese and English. The website is available in both Chinese and English.

Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in China

The website is the official website of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in China. The website is the official website of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in China, mainly providing the introduction, overview and latest news of the embassy, as well as news, consular services, photo gallery, tourism, business, and Saudi-Chinese relations. The website is available in both Chinese and Arabic.

Organization of Islamic Conference

Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC; abbreviated: Islamic Conference) is a regional political organization of the Islamic State government, officially established in May 1971, with its secretariat in the city of Jeddah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its highest authority The highest authority is the Council of Islamic Heads of State. Its purpose is to promote economic, social, cultural and scientific cooperation among member states; to work to eliminate apartheid and racial discrimination and to oppose all forms of colonialism; to support the Palestinian people in their struggle to regain their national rights and return to their homeland; and to support the Muslims in their struggle to safeguard their dignity, independence and national rights.

Chinese Embassy in Saudi Arabia

The Chinese Embassy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ( EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN THE KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA)Related Information:
Address:Circle No.5 Diplomatic Quarter, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Arabia
Mailbox: P.O.BOX 75231
Zip Code: Riyadh 11578, Saudi Arabia
Country Code: 00966-1& ;lt;br> Tel:
Duty: 2812083
Office: 2812083
Courtesy: 2812084
Consul: 2812090
Political Office: 2812080
Military Office: 4832820
Business Office: 4655655
Fax: 2812070 (Embassy) 4807849 (Military Attaché's Office)
4629617/2933670 (Commercial and Trade Office)
Email: [email protected]

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