

Official website of the International Labour Organization

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brief introduction

ILO: The official website of the International Labour Organization is A specialized agency of the United Nations, it attaches importance to the development of international labor standards, promotes the ratification and implementation of international labor conventions by member countries, and plays an active role in safeguarding the basic rights of workers and other laborers in various countries.

The International Labour Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations The International Labour Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes social justice and the international recognition of human and labour rights. It sets international labor standards in the form of conventions and recommendations that define minimum standards for basic labor rights, covering: freedom of association, the right to organize, collective bargaining, the abolition of forced labor, equality of opportunity and treatment, and other standards that govern working conditions throughout the world of work.

The ILO provides technical assistance mainly in the following areas: vocational training and rehabilitation; employment policy; labor administration; labor law and industrial relations; working conditions; management development; cooperatives; social security; labor statistics and occupational safety and health.

It advocates the development of independent workers' and employers' organizations and provides training and advisory services to these organizations. Throughout the United Nations system, the International Labor Organization has a unique tripartite structure in which workers' and employers' representatives participate as equal partners with governments in the organization's activities.

Official website of the International Labour Organization
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