

IFPI official website

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brief introduction

IFPI is an international organization representing the global Founded in 1933 in Italy, IFPI is an international organization representing the global recording industry. IFPI is a non-profit organization, financially supported by its members, affiliated national associations and institutions. It is an international, non-governmental organization whose activities revolve around the protection of the copyright and related rights of its members.

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International Federation of the Phonographic IFPI is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, with a secretariat in London, and regional headquarters in Brussels, Hong Kong, Miami and Moscow. IFPI also has offices in Moscow, Sofia and Warsaw in Eastern Europe.

IFPI's members come from more than 1,400 record producers and distributors in 72 countries around the world, accounting for the vast majority of the global music market, as well as 44 national associations such as the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and the Latin American Association of Phonographic Recordings (FLAPF). IFPI members range from international record companies such as BMG, SONY, EMI, and POLYGRAM to small independent producers with limited distribution.

IFPI also strives to create the harmonious environment that the recording industry needs. To achieve this, the association represents the recording industry in liaising with governments and intergovernmental organizations, organizing and coordinating anti-piracy activities, and providing industry-related information to protect the interests of member companies. The IFPI Code, formerly known as the Source Identification Code (SID), consists of two types of codes: the master SID code and the mold SID code. It is a set of standard procedures introduced by IFPI to prevent piracy, and is an industry standard for identifying the source of disc production and the source of reproduction. Generally, genuine CDs and high-density optical discs, including DVDs and SACDs, have this code engraved on the disc. Through this code, you can find the name and address of the copyright holder, the name of the recording, the time of completion and release, the form of authorized use, the name, order and duration of the work in the recording, the name of the lyricist and performer, etc.

The International Standard Recording Code (ISRC), or ISRC for short, is an international standardization organization of the United Nations (International Standardization The ISRC is an international coding system developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1986 (ISO 3901). ISRC is an international data identification code, which is used to identify phonograms and other musical data. The ISRC is an international standard for the identification of phonograms and other musical data (music videograms) to facilitate the exchange, dissemination, and management of information on these audiovisual products, and to protect the rights of copyright owners.

The ISRC code is prefixed with the capital letters ISRC and contains five parts in order: country code, publisher code, year of recording code, record code and record item code, each part separated by a hyphen "-". The ISRC has a total length of 12 characters (excluding prefixes), and is applicable to musical data (including songs, performances, operas, religious music, nature sounds, etc.), stories, comedy, lectures, talks, language instruction, etc.

ISRC has three levels of management system:

International ISRC Center: responsible for the implementation and management of ISRC in the world, is the international registration body of ISRC, by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) designated in the International Standards Organization (ISO). (ISO) designated in the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry. In order to ensure the uniqueness and reliability of ISRC codes for audiovisual products, the International ISRC Center publishes the ISRC Practical Guide;

National ISRC Center: The main task is to assign publisher's codes to audiovisual companies registered in their own countries, and to report publisher's lists to the International ISRC Center on a regular basis. The main task is to assign publisher codes to the audiovisual companies registered in China and to report the publisher list to the international center regularly. The Chinese ISRC Center was established in 1992 and is located at the General Administration of Press and Publication;

Audiovisual publishing companies: are responsible for the allocation and management of ISRC for their audiovisual productions and inform the National Center of the productions that have been allocated ISRC.

IFPI official website
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