

Swiss National Museum

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brief introduction

Musee-Suisse:Switzerland The National Museum of Switzerland is the largest museum in Switzerland. The National Museum of Switzerland in Zurich is the largest museum in the country, with a collection of artifacts related to Swiss history and culture from the Neolithic to modern times.

As soon as you enter the museum, you can see a painting by the young artist Hotlier. Hotlier, a young artist, painted a huge fresco that became famous around the world. The labyrinth-like building contains more than 100 different showrooms containing early archaeological finds, Roman relics, pagan cultural artifacts, coats of arms, etc. The showrooms and halls are decorated in a 15th to 18th century style. The museum publishes regular annual reports and issues a journal on the history of Swiss archaeology and art. The Swiss National Museum focuses on the history and culture of Switzerland from the Neolithic period to modern times. The museum has a collection of religious art from the Middle Ages, tapestries, frescoes and furniture from the Renaissance, various crafts from the 16th and 17th centuries, weapons, gold and silver ornaments from the 13th to 18th centuries, and folk costumes from around Switzerland from the 18th and 19th centuries.

The main exhibits include: excavated ancient artifacts; weapons, flags, and uniforms from Zurich's ancient arsenal; gold and silver jewelry; tinware, pottery, glassware, textiles, clothing, coins, seals, glass paintings, engravings, painting artwork, furniture and interior decoration, clocks and watches, musical instruments, toys, and farming furniture and interior decoration, clocks and watches, musical instruments, toys, agricultural tools, etc.

Swiss National Museum
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