

Holographic Projection Car Navigation System

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brief introduction

Navion is a holographic laser navigation system using the latest technology Developed holographic laser navigation system, relying on this augmented reality technology, users can superimpose a variety of virtual scenes and information in realistic scenes to obtain an incredible science fiction movie-like user experience, developed by the Swiss company wayray.

With the standard of living getting higher and higher, buying a car is not something new. Not a new thing, buy a car more and more people, but also prompted the rapid development of the field of automotive accessories, which has become a car navigation has become an indispensable part of people driving, even if they do not know the road can easily navigate. Car manufacturers usually equip luxury sedans with flat-screen displays (HUD), which project important information on the windshield, such as vehicle speed, navigation alerts and so on.

But if your car does not have a navigation device, and no money to install navigation equipment, then what to do? You can use smart phones, tablets to download navigation APP independent GPS, car navigation system, the most original can also use paper maps, but they all have the same drawback is that you have to be distracted to look at the navigation, and distraction is the number one taboo driving. It's not an exaggeration to say that "looking down at the navigation, looking up and getting into a car accident", there are many accidents where distractions caused by looking at the navigation caused car accidents.

Then there is a company to solve this problem, the new navigation device Navion mounted on the dashboard, Navion will be navigation information, safety tips, etc. in the form of holograms projected on the windshield. The biggest highlight of this navigator is that its navigation arrows look like they are projected on the road, and the whole scene is like the game interface of Forza Horizon 2. The concept of this navigation is very good once put into the market, will have a great response. Navion combines the game with reality, and it goes without saying that the driving experience must be very good, but now more and more racing games use real lanes and tracks as the background for the game effect, and the navigator Navion also simulates real driving scenes into game scenes. When the real driving and game driving so similar, will not confuse the driver's judgment, as a game, will trigger the desire to drive.

WayRay says that Navion currently only supports gesture control, which some car manufacturers have mentioned, but in the current situation, gesture control does not meet market demand. And according to the service provider's research, consumers are not interested in the idea of gesture-controlled navigation. One user said, "The navigation also needs to use professional gestures, not smart enough to greatly enhance the difficulty of use, but also reduce the user's good feelings about the product.

The use of high-tech technology is certainly praiseworthy, but the product itself must ensure the safety of the user in the car and the user's operating experience, so that the operation of the simplicity of the masses. In order to obtain consumer satisfaction, and in some countries the navigation information projected onto the windshield technology, but also face traffic law barriers. It is known that some countries require people to drive on the way, there must not be other objects blocking the view of the windshield (screen overlay is also illegal).

WayRay has set up an office in China and is still in the prototype stage, not yet officially sold.

Holographic Projection Car Navigation System
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