

Official Website of the European Broadcasting Union

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brief introduction

EBU.CH:The European Broadcasting Union is the CH:EBU is an international radio and television organization between European and North African radio and television stations, with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and a technical center in Brussels; it was founded in 1950.

European Broadcasting Union (English: European Broadcasting Union EBU, French: L'Union Européenne de Radio-Télévision, UER), short for European Broadcasting Union; EBU aims to defend the interests of its members in various fields, to establish links with other broadcasting organizations, to assist in the development of various forms of broadcasting, to promote the exchange of broadcasting The purpose of the UER is to defend the interests of its members in various fields, to establish contacts with other broadcasting organizations, to assist in the development of all forms of broadcasting, to promote the exchange of television programs, to study broadcasting-related issues, to guarantee the exchange of information of common interest to broadcasting organizations, to work to ensure that members comply with the terms of international agreements, and to assist member organizations in any kind of negotiations or to negotiate on their behalf at their request.

The EBU is an advisory body to UNESCO. As of 2004, there are 52 member states. Only organizations in ITU member countries that are authorized by the authorities to operate a national or nationally significant broadcaster can join.

Any ITU member providing radio or television services outside the European broadcasting area can apply to become a prospective member of the European Broadcasting Union. Each country is required to pay an annual fee to maintain associate membership, and if the fee is not paid, the associate membership will be revoked. The European Broadcasting Union also said that any station granted associate member status does not mean that it can enter the main membership.

Any group or organization in an ITU member country that does not qualify as a full or associate member of the EBU but still provides broadcasting activities to the EBU will be granted special approved participating member status for five years.

Official Website of the European Broadcasting Union
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