

Axial State History Forum

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is a website of the Axis History Forum, providing a site to explore and digging the Axis history site. Axis refers to the alliance of fascist states formed during World War II, led by Nazi Germany, Italy, and Japan, as well as a number of countries and occupying powers that cooperated with them.

originated in Italy on November 1, 1936 Fascist dictator Mussolini in the "German-Italian alliance treaty" shortly after the signing of a speech on this evaluation: "Berlin and Rome's vertical line is not a barrier, but an axis", because Berlin and Rome in the same longitude line, therefore, later on the Fascist alliance called "axis "Axis", and the participating countries were called "Axis Powers".

A distinction needs to be made between the members of the Axis and those of the Anti-Communist International Pact. The Triple Pact, the symbol of the establishment of the Axis Powers, was a treaty of military alliance, while the Anti-Comintern Pact was a treaty of political cooperation against communist ideology, and the other members of the Anti-Comintern Pact were not required to declare war against them when their members were attacked by a third country, or when they attacked a third country. The Axis powers in the legal sense included only the eight countries mentioned above (Yugoslavia withdrew two days after joining). Historians, however, usually counted the Anti-Comintern Pact countries as Axis members, although in fact they did not join the Triple Entente.

Axial State History Forum
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