

DeseatMe|Personal Information Cancellation Platform

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brief introduction

Deseat Me is a website created by two Swedish Internet users to create a network and browse the major sites left by the footprint from the Internet to delete, support the deletion of services including: Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Dropbox, Skype, SoundCloud, Tumblr, LinkedIn and so on.

Now is the age of the Internet, people have to do every day If you want to protect your personal privacy, completely delete your personal information from the Internet requires a lot of repetitive operations, if it is for foreign Internet then you can delete it through the site.

Since there are so many Internet services now, you may use the same email account and apply for dozens of different Internet services, but some may try to play once and then never touch it again, and then two or three months later you forget you ever applied for this service. The problem is that your account is still permanently stored on these services.

If you want to do a big cleanup, the main thing you need to do is to connect to the website and log into your Google account on it, which will then scan all the information about you on the Internet and list it out, telling you which services you have applied for with this The website will then scan all the information about you on the Internet and list the services you have applied for with your Google account, and list all the links to delete accounts for these services. Although you still have to manually decide which accounts to delete, at least it saves you the time of trying to find out which services you have applied for.

DeseatMe|Personal Information Cancellation Platform
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