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Swedish Central Bank

The Swedish Central Bank (Sveriges Riksbank; aka: Swedish National Bank, Bank of Sweden) is the national central bank of Sweden and the oldest central bank in the world, founded in 1668 and headquartered in Stockholm. 1968, the 300th anniversary of the establishment of the Swedish Central Bank, was the year when the Bank was founded. To commemorate Alfred Nobel, the Riksbank funded the Riksbank Prize in Economics - the Economics Prize.

Nordea Bank, Sweden

Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) is a leading Scandinavian financial group that offers core businesses such as online banking, savings and corporate investments, and was ranked among the "50 Safest Banks in the World" in 2012. SEB is a leading Nordic financial group that offers core businesses such as online banking, savings and corporate investments, and was ranked among the "50 Safest Banks in the World" in 2012 and 259th in the Global 2000 list in 2014.

Swed Bank Sweden Commercial Bank

Swedbank is A Scandinavian-Baltic banking group located in Stockholm, Sweden, formerly known as the First Swedish Savings Bank, founded in 1820 and renamed in 2006.

Swedbank offers retail banking, asset management, financial and other services. Swedbank currently has 400 branches in Sweden, 257 in the Baltic States and 220 in Ukraine. In addition, the bank serves Copenhagen, Helsinki, Kaliningrad, Kiev, Luxembourg, Moscow, New York, Oslo, Shanghai, St. Petersburg and Tokyo.

Nordea United Bank

Nordea (NORDEA; also known as Nordea Bank) is a highly influential financial group in the Nordic and Baltic regions, established on February 27, 1995 and headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden.

Swedish National Bank
Swedish National Bank (Sveriges Riksbank), a currency-issuing bank.
Bank of Sweden
Nordea Bank, Sweden
Nordea Bank - Sweden, (Nordea, Sverige), formerly Nordbanken.
Swedish Commercial Bank
Svenska Handelsbanken (SHB), Sweden.
Bank of Denmark
Danske Bank.
Nordea Bank
Nordea Bank.
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