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Trademark Search Engine

Markify:Trademark is a Swedish Markify is a Swedish search engine site that provides trademark and logo queries. Markify focuses on providing indexing of information on trademarks and logos.

Users can search for specific terms, trademarks or logos through Markify Specific terms, trademarks or logos to check whether the trademark has been registered, the registration status of the logo form of the image or words similar to the trademark or logo; and detailed information about the products, companies and other related information involved in the trademark. The search set up by is relatively powerful and covers a lot of content based on trademarks, such as whether the domain name is registered, what the logo looks like, and whether strings similar to the trademark are registered. The trademark is the same as the trademark of the string is registered? What is the distinction of the product or service involved in the trademark? The geographical distinction and so on. The company's trademark search results are mainly the registration status of the trademark in the U.S. and European markets, which is more professional, including the type of trademark, category, registration number, status, owner, logo, etc. The reason why lenovo will show 164 search results is that website will search for similar names of the trademark as supplementary information.

For example, if a user searches for "yahoo" in Markify, the first thing listed is information about the .com, .net The search results show the type, category, registration number, status, owner, logo and other aspects of the registration information of "yahoo" trademarks. The search results show the registration information of "yahoo" trademark in various aspects such as type, category, registration number, status, owner and logo. The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

Online Real-Time Web and Image Search Engine

EntireWeb:Online Realtime Web and Image was founded by Marcus Andersson of Sweden in 1999 to improve the web and image search experience and search accuracy on the Internet, previously held by a Swedish company, and has become a furniture holding company.

Now Entireweb has millions of users, helping them to track down non-members. Entireweb now handles millions of searches per month, focusing primarily on developing search technology for web and intranet environments; the Entireweb website combines the three most popular search modes to provide users with a search engine that regularly explores web, image and social media sites. Entireweb has a vast amount of information resources and incorporates Wikipedia search results to bring richer search results to its customers. In addition, it provides you with comprehensive results when searching for brands, locations and other keywords.

Many users are now using twitter to share ideas, thoughts and new discoveries. This means that the search engine can bring users the latest information and improve the quality of their search experience. With a range of skins to choose from, you can make Entireweb even more user-friendly.

Entireweb's goal is to be a leading supplier of search technology solutions. engine entireweb is not only a highly popular general purpose search engine used by millions of people around the world - it is also a showcase The international Web search engine entireweb is not only a highly popular general purpose search engine used by millions of people around the world - it is also a showcase of our search technology and our expertise in the field of ultra-high-performance information retrieval from huge unstructured data sources.< /p>

Entireweb currently handles millions of searches every month, and is a trusted partner of internationally acclaimed search engines such as Exactseek and IxQuick, who rely on Entireweb to provide world-class search results.

Entireweb is a trademark of Entireweb Sweden AB, a privately held, profitable corporation based in Halmstad, Sweden. in 1999, is dedicated to providing state-of-the-art search technology for both Internet and Intranet environments.

flightradar24 web version

flightradar24 is an application for viewing real-time flight information data. Launched in 2007, it provides three versions: web version, iOS version and Android version. Users can view aircraft position, flight altitude, punctuality, flight history data and other information through flightradar24.

Yahoo Sweden (yahoo! Sweden) station point.
Google Sweden
Google Swedish portal, web, image, news search, support personalized search and local search, provides forum, mailbox, calendar service and desktop search tools.
Swedish search engine.
Swedish search engine.
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