

Enterbrain|Japanese video game magazine

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brief introduction

Enterbrain (enter brain) is a Japanese magazine dedicated to video games. A brand company that produces and deals with entertainment-related magazines and books.

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< p> Enterbrain main magazines and books:

< p> 1. Login (ロ グ イ ン) - A game magazine focusing on children. before the debut of the FC game consoles. There are also many game magazines born from this magazine column. Now dedicated to computer games other than adult games.

< p> 2. B' S LOG (ビ ー ズ ロ グ) - Independent from a column of 'Login', it is a dedicated blog for games. The BL & lt;/p>

3. Famitsu (フ ァ ミ tong) - A comprehensive game magazine with a high reputation. The predecessor is also A column of 'Login'. & lt;/p> < p> 4. Famitsu Library (フ ァ ミ イ Library) & lt;/p> < p> 5. TECH Windows DVD (テ ッ ク ウ ィ ン DVD) - computer game magazine. With DVD ROM Remains in ASCII after publishes, moved to enter the brain in May 2002 issue.

< p> 6. TECH GIAN (テ ッ ク ジ ャ イ ア ン) - and the 'E - LOGiN' are beautiful girl computer game magazines with company's systems. & lt; /p> < p> 7. Tells - CU (マ ジ キ ュ ー) - A visual entertainment magazine that collects beautiful girl characters. In fact, it is now the company's toy box.

8. Comic Beam (コ ミ ッ ク ビ ー ム) - The name of The publication was' ASCII Comic (ア ス キ ー コ ミ ッ ク). The feature is that it publishes full-bodied works full of the individuality of manga artists.

< p> 9. ARCADIA (ア ル カ デ ィ ア) - The editorial team of The game magazine 'GAMEST (ゲ ー メ ス ト) issued by Xinsheng in The past, joined ASCII at that time when Xinsheng went bankrupt, and changed the editors A game-specific magazine for business use that was published later. While it used to be considered a MOOK book, it has since become a monthly magazine. Inherited events such as high score statistics held at 'GAMEST'. In addition, there was a column titled "Weekly ARCADIA" serialized on "Famitsu" before the magazine became a monthly publication. < /p> < p> 10.Farming Connect! On (フ ァ ミ pass Connect! On)- online game specialist blog. Software is suitable for home network game consoles. It was launched on July 21, 2006.

Enterbrain|Japanese video game magazine
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