

Japanese ukiyo-e folk art retrieval library

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brief introduction

Ukiyo-E: Japanese Ukiyo-e Ukiyo-e is a library of folk paintings founded by John Resig, an avid fan of folk paintings; he has found many similar prints by various means and collected them through his computer to show them to the world.

Ukiyo-e, or Japanese folk art, prints Ukiyo-e It is a unique national art that emerged in Japan during the Edo period (1603-1867, also known as the Tokugawa Shogunate period), and is typical of the art of the flowering streets. It mainly depicts people's daily lives, landscapes, and dramas. Ukiyo-e is often thought to refer exclusively to color-printed woodblock prints (called nishiki in Japanese), but in fact there are also hand-painted works.

In Asia and the world of art, it presents a special tone and richness, after more than 300 years, the influence of Europe and Asia, the nineteenth century in Europe from classical to impressionist masters are also inspired by this style of painting, therefore. Ukiyo-e has a very high artistic value.

Ukiyo-e Search provides a platform for communication and sharing, allowing users to upload and download all resources, simply by uploading an image or a link to an image that can be stored on an online server, where users can also get high-definition images to print and download.

Ukiyo-e Search provides an incredible resource: The ability to both search for Japanese woodblock prints by The ability to both search for Japanese woodblock prints by simply taking a picture of an existing print AND the ability to see similar prints across multiple collections of prints.

This site is simply demonstration of what is possible using some of the data from a few museum Better data, hundreds of thousands of additional images, and better search capabilities are forthcoming. Sign-up to be notified when additional features are ready.

Ukiyo-e Search was created by John Resig, a computer programmer and avid

Ukiyo-e Search was created by John Resig, a computer programmer and avid enthusiast of Japanese woodblock prints.

In his personal research he saw a need for a tool that did not exist: some Additionally, some way of finding prints simply by uploading a Additionally, some way of finding prints simply by uploading a picture of a print seemed like an especially critical tool for researchers and collectors alike.

A ton of work has gone into making this search engine as easy as possible. gone into making this search engine as easy to use as possible, for example: Artist names have been unified into a single name across collections (even Also the best possible images have been found on the Also the best possible images have been found on the museum sites (which can often be a task unto itself).

This site is currently serving as a demonstration of what's possible but many improvements are still yet to be made.

Japanese ukiyo-e folk art retrieval library
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