

Japanese bento takeaway ordering website

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brief introduction

Bento: It is a daily lunchbox, but every day will change dishes, the user does not have to make any choice, just download an app and order before 11:30 every day can be, let eat also play a "hunger marketing". is now in Tokyo, Japan The price is about RMB 50 yuan a copy, bento and delivery are done by the website. This site has attracted a lot of media coverage and users in Japan. Many users check every day to see what bento is available today, place their orders, and then share them on social media. is a very good interpretation of the concept of "Less is more", allowing users to choose less, no hassle, and at the same time, the product is easy to standardize and scale up. At the same time, the product is easy to standardize and scale up, very easy to do big.

Now the website is more and more, and the content on the website is also more and more. The variety of food and beverage takeaway website can be chosen up to hundreds of varieties, too much choice for consumers is actually no choice, painful to choose .

If you also do a daily only one variety of food and beverage takeaway website, if the taste of the dish is also beyond the imagination of users, it will be easy for users to help you spread word of mouth, want not fire is also difficult.

Similar to this website innovation in other industries has long been done, and also very successful, such as Tesla cars, only one, to buy also have to queue. Apple cell phone each time there is only one, each time a 10,000 people are empty lane, now how many people wait for the iPhone 6s to come out will know.

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Japanese bento takeaway ordering website
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