

Nippon Kagome Co.

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brief introduction

Kagome: Kagome is Japan's largest producer and seller of processed tomatoes and vegetable beverages. Founded in 1899, Kagome has been dedicated to the research and development and production of vegetable beverages and has advocated a lifestyle of "drinking vegetables" in order to help consumers solve the problem of insufficient intake of vegetables.

KAGOME Our products include food, beverages, and condiments. KAGOME is one of the most popular companies among university graduates in Japan (2010: 3rd place).

Kagome's vegetable drinks are a household name in Japan, with the largest market share, and the company strives to produce products that are "natural, delicious and happy". At present, Kagome has production bases in Japan, China, Taiwan, and the United States, and is sold all over the world. < /p>

As Japan's number one vegetable juice brand and the largest international vegetable and fruit beverage producer in Japan, Kagome has been researching and producing vegetable and related products since 1899. The sales are all over the world .

Nippon Kagome Co.
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