

Japan sns dating community

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brief introduction

No matter in which country, there will be a network miracle Like the domestic Sohu, Chinaren and so on, these are the network miracle known by our countrymen. In Japan, too, here today, will give you an introduction, in Japan over the years has become The talk of a miracle site, its name is. amp;lt

mixi is a network communication platform made by the eponymous mixi AG. By January 2007, there were 8 million registered users ( Since the population of China is 13 times that of Japan, please convert 8 million x 13 = ? ) Mixi is the largest SNS community in Japan (Note 1). mixi started operation in April 2004, and had 1 million registered users in August 2005, 2 million registered users in December, 3 million registered Mixi started operation in April 2004, and had 1 million registered users in August 2005, 2 million registered users in December, 3 million registered users in March 2006, 5 million users in July of the same year, and over 8 million registered users in January 2007. There are hundreds of thousands of groups in Mixi, and the number of daily visits exceeds 200 million pages.

Mixi's characteristics:

By nature, mixi belongs to a closed online community, and only those who receive an invitation letter from members within mixi can Because of that, it is the introduction of the members in mixi invited to enter Because of that, it is the introduction of the members in mixi invited to enter, so when you enter mixi, you can only see the diary written by the invited friends. The number of users of mixi is also expanding rapidly according to the geometry of the graph.

In mixi, basically everyone is writing their own diary, using simple language to write down their mood. When a friend sees a new diary, he or she comments on it, and everyone exchanges feelings every day through this form.

In mixi, basically everyone is writing their own diary, using simple language to write down their mood. amp;lt;p>Mixi Why is it hot in Japan Talking about this problem, Gaga can only write his thoughts here Not necessarily accurate! The rhythm of Japanese life is very fast, I believe this we all understand more or lessIn Japan, regardless of whether it is a young person or a person of age, there is not that much leisure time to browse or chat online without anything to do, so there is no msn in Japan similar to QQ or in the country that is used by many working people.

Because we do not have time on the Internet, so there is no The idea is to have something like that. But in this day and age of the Internet, in Japan, of course, there will also appear to be a network of This time mixi appeared, mixi's fire, now summed up is deserved. Because it is too in line with the character of the Japanese.

mainly in line with the following points:

the fast pace of Japanese life; the Japanese sense of privacy; the Japanese pride in the number of friends (the Japanese themselves say); the Japanese like to useE-mail; Japanese people like simple;

who are using mixi:

this question This question is actually in a good answer, and domestic when the qq, the same as the Chinese, are entrusted with the blessings of young people Mixi is also the same, with mixi is mostly Japanese The same, with mixi is mostly Japanese university students, and then slowly spread to young office workers and high school students there. Previously on the tram to see the Japanese, always holding a cell phone, constantly press, then wondered, there are so many text The strangest thing is that some people are even in the subway without signal is also constantly pressing. Only later did I learn that many people are using their cell phones to write their feelings and reply to their friends' messages during their commute to and from work or during the only bit of free Only later did I learn that many people are using their cell phones to write their feelings and reply to their friends' messages during their commute to and from work or during the only bit of free time;

Japan sns dating community
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