Himado is a Japanese based Animado is a Japanese video site based on anime and manga, and one of the Japanese anime and manga secondary communities, founded by the Japanese company FC2, which provides video content on anime and manga, games, music, sports, entertainment, etc., and supports user uploads and video content reviews.
Noun explanation: secondary yuan, refers to ACGN sub The term ACGN is a term used in culture to refer to the fictional world of animation and games, but ACGN is not equal to the second dimension, but is the opposite of the "third dimension" (the real world).
Since the early animation and game works (ACGN works) are composed of two-dimensional images, the picture is a flat surface, so it is called "secondary world", abbreviated as " Two-dimensional", and the opposite is "three-dimensional", that is, "we exist in this sub-genre", that is, the real world.
Links : poudr.xyz
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