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BIGLOBE portal

BIGLOBE was originally a search portal site of NEC, a Japanese multinational information technology company, created in July 1996 and later spun off from NEC in 2006. The site mainly provides news, music, study, life, work and other information. Its site name BIGLOBE is a combination of "BIG" and "GLOBE".

Lotte Station

Rakuten Station (Infoseek) is one of the most popular search engine portals in Japan, created in 1997, mainly providing search, mailbox, shopping, maps, news, dictionaries, finance and other online services.

Yahoo Japan Search
Yahoo Japan search engine service, in addition to web search, also provides image, video, real time, blog, wisdom, map, dictionary, encyclopedia, people, news, applications, shopping, auction and other search.
Goo Search
Search engine service provided by the Japanese Goo website.
Excite Search
Japanese Excite search engine.
Japan Post - Postcode Retrieval
Japanese postal code retrieval from here.
@nifty search
Internet search service, find the information you need instantly.
Google Japan
Google Japan search engine site, web, image, news search, support personalized search and local search, provides forum, mailbox, calendar service and desktop search tools.
infoseek search
Search engine service provided by the Japanese infoseek website.
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