

Japanese version of the search engine

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brief introduction

Excite is architext, Inc. provides a ship and search engine for Japan that allows users to search using keywords, phrases and natural language.

The Japanese version of excite offers a variety of services. These include information on life, marriage, finance, news, travel, insurance, maps, and more.

EXCITE search engine is a product of ARCHITEXT with a very user-friendly database interface that allows users to search using keywords, phrases and natural language. It is also one of the most widely used search engines as it has been developed in several global regional versions, including China, to provide efficient services for specific regions.

Excite was created by six Stanford students in February 1993, and Excite was derived from the Archixt project. They wanted to use static statistics to analyze the relationship between words to make the search engine more efficient.

Japanese version of the search engine
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