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PIBO|Japanese version of the children's story picture book

PIBO is an audio children's story book for 0 to 12 year olds. There are more than 370 picture books and they can be read completely free of charge. Each picture book is recorded by a professional voice-over artist with high-quality picture content to practice listening and reading.

When you start learning Japanese, you are usually only exposed to the contents of the textbook. But if you can, watching a little Japanese children's cartoon or storybook will make you feel more confident about your learning results! Because it is designed for children to see, so the language will be relatively simple, and the speed of speech will be slower, for beginners, it is easier to understand.

Because the original target user is Japanese children, so the whole App will not have any Chinese appear, so if there is not understand the raw words appear, it is recommended to use with the Japanese dictionary, each picture book will be marked suitable for reading children's age layer, roughly 3 years old as a class, according to their own Japanese level to make a choice. You can make a choice according to your own Japanese level.

The cell phone channel of ITmedia, an authoritative Japanese IT information website, provides news, product models, content, and event information related to cell phones and mobile.
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (abbreviated as NTT) was established in 1976 as a wholly owned subsidiary of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, the largest telecommunications service provider in Japan. The company has grown rapidly by relying on NTT Research Institute and its successful experience in technology transfer of its research results.
NTT West Japan
NTT West Japan Telecommunications Co., Ltd. provides intra-prefectural communication services in the East Japan region.
NTT East Japan
NTT East Japan Telecommunications Co., Ltd. provides intra-prefectural communication services in the West Japan region.
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