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Tokyocn is a comprehensive portal for Chinese in Japan and the largest Chinese portal in the Tokyo area, created in 2005 to provide practical information about living in Japan and to create a platform for Chinese in Japan to communicate freely.

Japan Chinese Network is the largest Chinese dating community in Japan. Users can simply register to communicate and connect with other Japanese Chinese or international students, and at the same time, organize offline activities.

NHK Global Chinese Broadcasting Network

NHK World Chinese is the Chinese language website of NHK Chinese Radio in Japan, and the only Chinese language international broadcasting station in Japan, mainly serving Chinese people in Japan. The website mainly provides online news information, current affairs, Japanese lectures and other program information.

Modern China Network

Modern China is the largest Chinese lifestyle information website in Japan, and is also a famous Chinese portal website in Japan. The website mainly provides practical information for Chinese people on Japanese legal administration, travel tickets, school education, renting and buying houses, telecommunication network, health life, leisure and entertainment, overseas Chinese organizations, Japanese cuisine, etc.

Japan Chinatown

Chinatown Japan is a famous Chinese portal site in Japan, which provides business information for Chinese people, in addition to business forums, business activities, Chinese celebrities in Japan, services on this site, news information, practical life information and other information, which is very popular among Chinese people in Japan.

小春網, the largest Chinese portal site in Japan, has developed a large number of loyal users and has a high reputation and good reputation among the Chinese community in Japan, and is a center of information inquiry, problem consultation and life exchange for Chinese in Japan and students studying in Japan.
Kantone Japan
Japan information, Japan study, Japan travel, Japan fashion.
Shanghai Jiang Japanese Language: Shanghai Jiang's Japanese language learning information website provides rich Japanese materials, Japanese interactive communities, Japanese language test registration and Japanese training, so that you can improve and Develop Japanese language learning and application skills.
Cocoa Japanese
A professional free Japanese language learning website, including: beginner Japanese language learning, study in Japan, spoken Japanese, Japanese listening, Japanese songs, Japanese listening skills, Japanese language proficiency exams and Japanese culture.
Comprehensive Guide to Studying in Japan
Produced and operated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Association of Returned International Students, this website provides comprehensive information on studying in Japan and is available in Chinese.
Japan and China from Japanese netizens' comments.
People's Daily Online - Japan Channel
People's Daily Online Japan Channel is the earliest news website created in China, specializing in Japan and Sino-Japanese relations. The People's Daily Online Japan Channel provides comprehensive information on Japanese politics, economy, society, science and education, culture, tourism and Sino-Japanese relations, and is committed to becoming an authoritative and professional website in China for the dissemination of information on Japan.
Japanese for Beginners
Learn Japanese from scratch.
NetEase Cloud Class
Discover great lessons on NetEase Cloud Classroom Japanese channel! Cloud Classroom is a practical skills learning platform owned by NetEase ( We work with top organizations, colleges, and outstanding instructors to provide you with a vast array of quality courses and an innovative online learning experience. We offer a wide range of courses in IT, Internet, design, career advancement, management, law, language, study abroad, exams, parenting, hobbies and life. It helps you to get a new personal development and ability to improve.
Japanese-Language Learning Network
Japanese language learning website, a home for learning Japanese easily. Learn Japanese online, Japanese listening, Japanese spoken language, Japanese vocabulary, Japanese real questions, Japanese culture, Japanese songs, Japanese drama online, for free.
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