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Japanese free online game site, mahjong, monopoly, horse racing, flash games, etc.
Comments about PC games, patch information.
Professional game search engine, support Chinese, Japanese, English, German.
MSN Japan-Games
MSN Japan game channel, action, mahjong, puzzle, sports and other online free network games.
The official website of Nintendo Co.
RPG, mahjong, action, sports games, etc.
ITmedia +D Games
Game related news and reviews.
PlayStation Official Website
PlayStation official website. PlayStation, the new power computer entertainment SCEI home TV game machine of Japan's Sony (Sony), has become one of the most famous home game products.
e-CAPCOM (Capcom Corporation, Capcom Corporation) is the official website of the Japanese video game software company. Capcom company with its "Street Fighter", "Rockman", "Resident Evil", "Ghost Warrior", "Ghostbusters", "Reverse Judge", "Monster Hunter" and other series of works to make the company enjoy a very important position in the game industry. Known worldwide for its action games, the company is known as the "Action Titan" in the industry. And developed to the arcade, PC, Super Nintendo, PS1, PS2, PS3, PSV, PS4, GBA, XBOX and many other versions and platforms.

Free online games and game updates from the goo website.


Yahoo Games is a comprehensive gaming site that includes gaming news, gaming reviews, the latest gaming software and free online mini-games.

livedoor's comprehensive game website. Free game, provides game news, game database, game downloads.

Game professional website, the latest game news, free games, information exchange.

Ghostbusters official website
The official website of Japanese Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters is a series of games developed by CAPCOM with the literary masterpiece "Shenmue" as the initial inspiration for the creation of its dark gothic style and gorgeous action scenes known for the industry was known as the "action game NO.1".
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