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Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (とうきょうがい Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) was established in 1897 and opened in 1949 as a prestigious national university in Japan. TUFS has a Department of Foreign Languages and a Graduate School of Regional Culture. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies originated in 1857 as the Hanshu Shusho, one of the oldest universities in Japan, and later became the Department of Foreign Languages under the University of Tokyo, and then became independent again.

Gifu University of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Gifu Pharmaceutical University is a public university in Japan, founded in 1932 in Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture, with a department of pharmacy. Gifu Pharmaceutical University is a public university in Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture;

Nagoya Gakuin University

Nagoya Gakuin University (Nagoya Gakuin University is a private university in Japan, founded in 1964, with departments of economics, business, and foreign languages, as well as departments of economics, policy, and Chinese language.

Naruto University of Education

Naruto University of Education (NUE) Naruto University of Education (NUE) is a Japanese national university founded in 1981 in Naruto, Tokushima Prefecture, and is a single-subject university that trains teachers. It is a single-subject university that trains teachers;

International Correctional University

International Education and Training University (Akita International University; Kokugakuin University; Kyoiku University) is a public university in Japan, founded in 2004, located in Akita City, Akita Prefecture, is a single-discipline university, with only the Department of International Education. It is a single-degree university with only the Department of International Education;

Asahikawa University

Asahikawa Asahikawa University is a private university in Japan, founded in 1898 and located in Asahikawa, Hokkaido, with departments of Economics and Health and Welfare.

Dokkyo University

Dokkyo University) is a private university in Japan, founded in 1964, located in Kusaka City, Saitama Prefecture, with departments of foreign languages, international education, economics and other departments. Dokkyo University is a private university in Saitama Prefecture;

Tokyo University of the Arts

Tokyo University of the Arts (TOKYO) The University of the Arts is a national university in Japan, founded in 1949, located in Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo, with the Department of Fine Arts and the Department of Music, and is a famous art training institution in Japan. The University of the Arts is a national university founded in 1949 and located in Ueno Park, Tokyo;

Apricot Grove University

Kyorin Kyorin University is a private university in Japan, founded in 1970, located in Mitaka and Hachioji, Tokyo, with departments of health care, medicine, and foreign languages. It is a private university located in Mitaka and Hachioji, Tokyo;

Japanese Language Proficiency Test

The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) is the most authoritative Japanese language testing system, created by the Japan Foundation for International Exchange and the Japan Association for International Education Support in 1984, and is designed for non-Japanese native speakers.

Japanese Star University

Star University (Meisei University) is a private university in Japan, founded in 1964, the main campus is located in Hino City, Tokyo, with departments of education, humanities, economics, science and technology.

Otaru University of Commerce

Otaru Otaru University of Commerce is a Japanese national university founded in 1949 in Otaru, Hokkaido, and is a single-school university with a social science department. It is a one-department university of social sciences;

Sapporo Medical University

Sapporo Medical University is a Japanese public university founded in 1950 in Sapporo, Hokkaido, with a department of medicine and a department of health care and medicine.

Meiji Gakuin University

Meiji Gakuin University (MGU) Gakuin University is a private university in Japan, founded in 1949, located in Minato-ku, Tokyo, is a Christian university in Japan, opened the Department of Arts, Economics, Sociology, Law and other departments.

Kobe City Foreign Language University

Kobe Kobe City University of Foreign Studies (Kobe Gaidai University) is a public university in Japan, founded in 1949 and located in Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, mainly engaged in foreign language education. It is located in Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture;

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